What can I keep with Convicts?

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freddyk said:
Just because you can get a good deal on a big tank, doesn't mean it's wise to buy it. Larger tanks are more expensive to accessorize, more expensive to stock, more expensive to decorate, and more expensive to maintain. It is not a one time cost we're talking about.
But bigger tanks can hold all the bigger fish we all have dreams about having, or have. For instanse my clown loaches. Ture they are mor expensive but they are easier to keep things stable. To maintian a larger tank really depends on the stock. As for more expensive for stock, just get a couple guppies and wait. :D
freddyk said:
Some people I think don't quite realize just how big convicts should get, because they're so often not given the proper conditions to thrive. Anyone who actually thinks more then one pair can fit in a 29 gallon tank is obviously one of these.

Cons get quite large @ 6 inches , mostly the males though. The males get a hump on their head like a red devil when full grown. I have six full grown in a 100 gallon. I have had a pair in a 29 and agree the cons did not grow to their full size. The cons raised in my 100 not only reached their full size but did so in less than a year. The cons in the 29 never reached this size and did not produce the profound hump on their head, through out their entire life span.
I am not going to let y'all get to me. NVM what I said, screw this, I am not quitting cause I couple of jerks posted mean things. I would appreciate if the lot of you would drop it and leave me alone from this point on when I post. I was looking for help, not criticism.
You were offered help, but you criticized it. :no:

If you review the thread you will notice that you both gloated of your "fish specialist" title and made several very innocent novice comments before anyone posted anything that could be seen as harsh. Not to mentioned... no one was mean, they were honest. But we could all lie to you if that would make you feel better!

Enjoy the forum!!!
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