What can I keep with Convicts?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2005
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Manchester, NH
I have 2 female convicts, and I will soon be getting a male. I was wondering what fish are tough enough to live with Convicts in a 29g. I already have 3 jewels with them that I will be hopefully getting rid of. I dont want just convicts in my tank though...so after I get rid of the jewels(I dont like them)I want to add some more different kind of fish. Also will 2 females with one male be an issue?
i dont think 2 females to one male matters gives on female a break while he chases the other but you have to be real careful what goes in with the convicts and the HAVE to have their own territory ive seen these little critters tear O's and red devils to bits before while they are breeding only a small fish compared to some but the have an angry problem at breeding time sometimes on the scale of a great white shark lol

Dont take my word for it but if you have a fairly large tank like 75 gal or more you coulld give it ago but they MUST have their OWN territory i would add something that keeps to its selve and isn't nosey cause the cons with fight to the death to protect thier young and eggs.

But in answer to your question not in a 29 gal and if you add the male hope you have a heap of room for all the fry you are going to get

wait for a few more responses but if you just have the females and dont get the male you maybe able to add another fish that grows to the same size so it wont get picked on but if you relly want to add another fish the male con is a no no

just my thoughts others maybe able to help a little better
Once the male chooses one of your females, the third will have to be removed. The remaining pair will take over the 29 and happily decimate anything you try to keep with it.
agree with both of the resposes but i just want to add that by adding the male there is a good chance that he will mate with one of the females and in turn causing him to attack other fish in the tank to protect it's young...I have had cons breed and they get VERY hostile...and besides from my experince with them it's hard to get rid of the babies most fish stores by me wont even take them.
I am going to be working at a pet store as their fish specialist soon...so the fry is no issue. So you guys are telling me I can only have 2 fish in a 29 gallon tank? Excuse my language but that sucks. My tank already looks super empty with 5 fish.
Looks super empty has nothing to do with Breeding Cons. Take it from someone who has a 29g with a breeding pair in it....They will claim the whole tank and in all odds kill whatever else is in there. There is nothing that can be kept "properly" in a 29g that could match them when breeding. If you want a community tank and not a species tank then Convicts arent for you.
Jezah said:
I am going to be working at a pet store as their fish specialist soon...so the fry is no issue. So you guys are telling me I can only have 2 fish in a 29 gallon tank? Excuse my language but that sucks. My tank already looks super empty with 5 fish.
Not to be rude....
But how can you work at a pet store as the fish specialist if you don't even know what to keep with cons ? Never mind the fact that you don't know that a 29 g is too small for more then a pr of breeding cons....
Sorry but I just have to question that comment... :unsure:
BlueIce said:
Jezah said:
I am going to be working at a pet store as their fish specialist soon...so the fry is no issue. So you guys are telling me I can only have 2 fish in a 29 gallon tank? Excuse my language but that sucks. My tank already looks super empty with 5 fish.
Not to be rude....
But how can you work at a pet store as the fish specialist if you don't even know what to keep with cons ? Never mind the fact that you don't know that a 29 g is too small for more then a pr of breeding cons....
Sorry but I just have to question that comment... :unsure:

You psychic Ice :blink:
digital_run said:
BlueIce said:
Jezah said:
I am going to be working at a pet store as their fish specialist soon...so the fry is no issue. So you guys are telling me I can only have 2 fish in a 29 gallon tank? Excuse my language but that sucks. My tank already looks super empty with 5 fish.
Not to be rude....
But how can you work at a pet store as the fish specialist if you don't even know what to keep with cons ? Never mind the fact that you don't know that a 29 g is too small for more then a pr of breeding cons....
Sorry but I just have to question that comment... :unsure:

You psychic Ice :blink:
what? :huh:

never mind...blonde moment...
I also made a :blink: face about the fish specialist saying:

So you guys are telling me I can only have 2 fish in a 29 gallon tank? Excuse my language but that sucks.

I have a breeding pair of convicts in a 29 Gal tank and it does look bare, very. And that's 100% my fault for not adding decor to the tank. Get some drift/bogwood and plants. Instead of having a jam packed glass box full of stressed out unhealthy fish recreate a natural environment in your home. Your fish will love you for it.

To reiterate... 1 male con + 2 female con = 1 pair and 1 belly up female.

If you want more fish... get a bigger tank... housing too many fish in an aquarium is much more like housing prisoners... not keeping pets...
EXCUSE ME. I know very large amount about fish, and I also know several people who DONT think a 29 gallon is too small for more than one pair of cons. Fish are not robots, they have personality and some are not as aggressive as others of their species. Maybe the likely hood is that cons will be aggressive, but not all are killers. I am a fish specialist because I can tell ya what species a fish is just by looking at it, and are you aware of how many fish in the world their are? a lot, and for someone to be able to tell ya what kind a fish is is very hard. I also know about cycling, substrate, nutrition, breeding....ect. I am also only 18. So saying I am knowledgeable about fish is a understatement. Doesn't matter anyways, I still know more then any other employee in the store, hence me being needed. I may not know everything about every species of fish, but who does? At least I am smart enough to ask, or maybe I am not as I didn't expect to have someone belittle me because I didn't know EVERYTHING about convicts. Didn't know I would be judged. Maybe this ISN'T the friendliest forum around. Just full of self-important people apparently.

P.S At least the store wanted me instead of hiring some idiot who didnt know not to sell goldfish to someone who wants to put them in a bowl.
Re-reading the thread I do see how you can take a couple of the posts as belittling. I appologise for my part in that. As Blue said... she was questioning a statement... I just made a face. I think both were done without malicious intent, but legitimately questioning...

You also made a great point... you are smart enough to ask...

Being able to identify many fish is a respectable quality, one that I lack.

That being said... above comments regarding convicts hold very true. I had my breeding pair in a 125 Gal tank with several other fish and the week before the female laid eggs there were CONSTANT battles. It took all 4 Oscars (which were almost double the con's size) teaming up to stay alive. Up until breeding time... the convicts had their little territory and didn't bother anyone and ran from others when threatened. At that point (breeding) it has nothing to do with a fishes personality... it is 100% parental instinct to ensure their off springs safety at any cost.

Also the you were addressed bluntly because you came into a forum of peers... and attempted to push yourself ahead of the rest with the fancy title (at least how it came across). I've been keeping fish slightly longer than you’ve been alive... that doesn’t mean I know more (it means I’m old!)... Respect / appreciation comes with displaying ones knowledge... not fancy titles...
Jezah said:
EXCUSE ME. I know very large amount about fish, and I also know several people who DONT think a 29 gallon is too small for more than one pair of cons.
Then they're wrong, I'm sorry to say. Also, don't get to high on yourself... I see no difference between the subject on hand and wanting to put goldfish in a small bowl. :(
EXCUSE ME. I know very large amount about fish, and I also know several people who DONT think a 29 gallon is too small for more than one pair of cons.

Then they're wrong, I'm sorry to say. Also, don't get to high on yourself... I see no difference between the subject on hand and wanting to put goldfish in a small bowl.


At least I am smart enough to ask

yes you are smarter than others and have asked but be even smarter and listen to us that you WILL have a dead con female
"The only stupid person is the persopn who didnt ask the question"- To qoute my lecturer. Lol :p

But i really dont think all that matters. It does KINDA sound as though you have been flammed or "belittled" (which i do not think is the case), BUT why ask a question if you are not willing to listen to the answer?!?! NO matter how much u disagree. Whats the point in asking!!?!?!

Although you think of yourself as "knowledgeable" and all that, which im sure you are, it still doesnt mean these ppl on here dont know what there talking about, does it?

Sheesh, :dunno:
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