What Can I Keep With Angels

Is it possible that none would mate and then I could keep all of them.

It may well be possible. Angels are funny. I have a breeding pair with neon tetras and they are fine. But I do understand that the neons may be at risk. But the angels are over a year old and just pretty even tempered. In a 55 you could try 5 or 6 and then see. If a pair establishes they will claim a part of the tank during spawning and chase others away. Some individuals are vicious and do damage to others some are more even tempered. 5 to 6 should spread out the aggression. But be ready to re-home if things get out of hand. With cichlids it is up to the individuals often. Have lots of tall plants like swords and vallis for hiding if an individual needs it.

Another dwarf cichlid is the bolivian ram along with apistogramma. A bristlenose pleco also works.
Keep the water harder with Crushed Coral in some tights, hide it in your external filter or behind some decoration in the tank, lower the tempature a bit to, that way the Angels won't breed, bare in mind that if you were to keep all of them in a 55g it will become very cramped later on.
well it depends on the fish, i had a angel that attacked everything, it was like a agressive red devil. like i said depends on the fish
55 gals might be a bit small for a school of angelfish, given that they grow to be about 12 inches tall.

12 inches tall?? I have to pull up up on this cos its complete bollox. 8 inches tall yes this is very possible but this is with anal and dolsal fin extensions. The only angel fish you will see getting to be 12 inches tall is the altum angel.

In a 55 gallon I would have about 6 angelfish and then you would have plenty of room for other fish...as long as you keep up with good tank management and water changes.

12 inch tall domestic or even wild angelfish...gavin show me the pics. Reading stuff on internet dont make it so.
you can use a 55G for an outgrowing tank? its not the length they need its the taller the tank the happier they are, if its like 18" tall then they will be happy
Honestly I'm happy to keep the angels alone. Maybe some live breeders just to create food babies if they wanna eat it.
Honestly I'm happy to keep the angels alone. Maybe some live breeders just to create food babies if they wanna eat it.

Dude thats fine but... comeon angles arent that interesting. My advice is to add 6-8 corydoras of whatever type u like for a clean up crew. Second would be a schooling fish.. Rummynose tetra are a great choice add 10. Add a few dwarf cichlids as well of your choosing. If u want live bearers then fine add a few guppies or mollies. A 55 g is plenty big..no doubt.
It all depends on how much trouble you want to go through as far as water changes, and relocating pairs or aggressive individuals. I've seen people keep 10+ large adults in a 55, doing 50% water changes every other day and having tanks ready for pairs. It's all a matter of perception I guess, but I couldn't see 5 being cramped in a 55, when you approach 15 it looks a bit tight.
Yeah I wouldn't want to go over the 5 or 6 BC I know they need a little extra room being tall and all.
I don't agree with the live bearers fry for food, but it's your choice. My angels are blushing koi which are really colourful and have some interesting markings. Also have a platinum one which is shaping up to be a nice fish too. You could consider looking at blue angels, they're very striking also.
So my walmart had a clearance with blue gourami AKA three spot gourami for .75 each. Would these go alright with my angels?
So at this point I've settled on 3 angels (hoping they don't pair up so I can keep all 3) so right now I've got:

3 angels
4 blue (3 spot) gourami
1 rainbow shark
5 assorted mollies
a few glass shrimp

By my counting I can add about 42 more mature inches of fish to my 55. (I go with 2" per gallon)

I could just leave room for the mollies to reproduce or I could add something else.

I'm thinking:

2 honey sunset gourami
2 opal gourami

Which still leaves me about 25". Any suggestions?

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