What Can i Feed


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
I have Sailfin Mollys ive heard people saying they feed their fish everythind from meat to potatoes,is there anything i can feed mine to make them happier(their eating bloodworms and flake food at the mo)thanksxxx :huh:
not really sure just before you feed things make sure they are ok thats all i can tell yhea
i think you're feeding them fine. if you want to give them a more varied diet, you can also try spirulina flakes or algae wafers as molles should have some vegetable matter in their diet. if you want to give them fresh veggies, you can try peas or lettuce on occasion. oh and my mollies went nuts over bananas
Cuccumber and Zuchinni, along with Lettuce are favourites among my fish. I used to feed them it every couple days, and my plec grew about 4'' in a month. Now Ive stopped, because it is too hard to retrieve what is left (my hood is behing redone, os my tank had a Cling Wrap top to keep fish and moisture in).

I owuldnt suggest meat though, and I guess potatoes would be fine, although you may want a more experienced fish keepers input.
I think you are feeding the right stuff allready, the addition of daphinia ocasionally would be good (keeps them regular :) .

My mollies love algae wafers, tetra crisps, frozen thawed bloodworms, peas..

If you put in potatoes, be sure they are raw. Cooked ones will fall apart in your tank and cause a big mess.

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