What can I do? advice would be helpful thanks


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Vancouver, BC
I was suckered into buying a really small flying fox aglae eater that wasn't suppose to get big. But 6years later it is 7 inches and turns out to be a chinese alage eater lol. anyways its starting to become more agressive since I upgraded to a 55 gallon tank he has become very territorial under a peice of fake drift wood and hides in the inside down the hollows of the thing. must fish stay away from that corner cause he'll dart at alot of the bigger fish like the rosy barbs in my tank. he also seems to becoming less tolerate the bottom fish that he used to be buddys with. He isn't really cause much harm but he is pissing me off. What can I do to solve this problem?

Also I have two bolvain rams in the 55 gallon tank and I added the german ram from my 20 gallon tank. now the two bolvain rams seem to pick on each other whats the deal with that they were fine before the german ram.

I'd really be thankful for any helpful advice.
Macracantha - yes it is and is also often called a sucking loach or golden algae eater and many other vague misleading names...

ruffneck, you may know by now that these get to 10" and become more and more aggressive as they mature. They aren't suitable for a community tank. Your only choice is either to move it to a tank of its own or to give it to an LFS.

As for the rams, they should be kept in pairs and, if the 2 bolivians realy are male and the german female, you'll want to seperate them to avoid hybridisation. 3 pairs of rams in a 55 are pushing it a bit but it may be a good idea to get fish of the opposite sex and of the same species for each of those you have right now so that you don't end up cross-breeding the two species. Just make sure they have lots of places to hide and that this won't be over-stocking. Otherwise, replace the fish you have with fish of the same species and keep 2 pairs.
thanks for the info I'll try to give the chinese alage eater a new home. As for the rams though? I not sure I understand. the reason why I moved the german ram from the 20gallon is cause its pair died off so I'd thought it would be lonely so I moved it in with the other two bolvian rams. Should I move the german back? what would be wrong if the german and bovailain interbred? why would that be so bad? thanks for the help :)
If you can move it back to the 20 and get it a new mate that would be best.

As for why hybridization is bad... well there's so much wrong with it I'll just give you the link to a thread I posted rigarding this once before so I don't need to type this up again :p :
Oh and note that the post reffering to cats is about out-crosses between different varieties or breeds (such as variegated guppies with snakeskin guppies) - with fish it is usualy different species (as with bolivian and german rams) - the equivalent in cats would be crossing your average domestic (be it siamese, balinese, persian, british shorthair or whatever) with a lion or a jaguar.

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