What Can I Do About Hair Algea?

I assume thats because all the phosphate is being 'used' by my GHA!

I'm just too lazy to dig out my external filter at the moment, so gunna use them til i can find the energy to dig through my cupboard.

Get off your bumpty girl, it will be much more effective in the external than just hanging in the tank and yes, you are quite right, I expect the gha is using both your phosphates and nitrates
I had a hair algae out break, I would scrub it off but the next day it would be there again.

I bought a Phosphate reactor which helped but didn't get rid of it all.

Not sure how large you tank is but Tang's love it, my yellow tang now keeps my hair algae out of sight.

If the Tang is not an option, reduce lighting, feed less, increase flow and increase CUC.
My tank isn't big enough for a tang :( its only 4ft/330l. There isn't any food being put in coz i have no fish yet! I am gunna build up CUC tho.
Oh really!? Ooh I love tangs, thats made my day!!

Yellow tang all the way, it keeps my tank hair algae free.

Obviously if you feed the tank lots then it wont touch it because it doesnt need to but since I have cut the feeding down he is always searching round the rock eating it up. :good:
I was told something interesting.
A yellow tang will reach 9inches fully grown in the wild so in captivity it will probably only reach 7 inches and it takes them around 8 years to get full size.
Don't know if its true but if it is then you will be okay.
aaah I see! I was considering getting a tang or 2 regardless of tank size, coz as everyone knows... an upgrade is ALWAYS on the cards in the fish world lol.. but decided against it, as I couldn't be sure that the upgrade would come before the tang got too big! But i'm sure i'll have a bigger tank long before 8 years has passed!
How about a pic of the tank with a closeup of the GHA so we can have a look.

I'll be surprised if you have more than what I had!
I havent seen a tank yet that has anywhere near the amount I had and I got rid of it all in a couple of months!

The emerald crabs will get stuck into it and if youve got a 405 then get it rigged up and throw some nitrate remover, phosphate remover, activated carbon and do a 40-50% wc as well as scrub the rocks.

A good CUC will keep it under control if it ever comes back which it shouldn't if you follow all the above steps.
Pics on their way, if I can ever get my phone to connect to my laptop!

I dont think its too bad, I've just seen how quickly it has spread from 1 tiny lil clump of it, and want to nip it in the bud before it gets completely out of hand!




this is what it looked like a couple of weeks ago! the rocks on the right hand side have fallen, but you can still clearly see the difference!



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