What Cameras Do People Use...


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I'm thinking about buying myself a camera. I've not get decided on a compact digital or a digital SLR (cameras are a mystery to me). And although I understand that you need to know how to really use the camera to get good pictures, you also need to start with a good camera.

I will want it mainly for fish pictures and general use, so there is no need for it to be top end.

Max budget will be £300 - So new models aren't essential, just a good make and model that I can hopefully pick up second hand, that with a bit of practise will allow me to take some nice sharp pictures.

I figured best way here would be replies that said the make and model of the camera and an example (un-photoshopped, picture from it)
Got a Panasonic Lumix TZ6 a couple of weeks ago, upgrade from my useless HP M525. £ under £300 brand new, Im happy with it, still playing around with all the setting though :rolleyes:

Example pic


fuji s8000fd, mine was £100 off ebay, pcworld do it for £150 and you can get refurbs off fuji for about £120.

I really like these style fuji's versatile and easy to use.
well i love my camera
its a minolta dimage z10
i paid 21 pounds off ebay but that was cheap as a bit was broke so i took it apart and fixed it
heres some photos i took
probably not what your looking for tho

For £21 (even if it was a bit broken), it seems like a bargain. But I do prob want something more on the level of what minxfishy is using.

Minx - Do you use it for anything other than fishies?
I use it to take pictures of the kids as well, but I have to admit, it was mainly to get shots of the fishies :lol: Its also got, although I havent used it yet a video option.

Its got a wide angle lens part to it, so its good for scenery shots too, good macro functions, so you can get good shots of small things at quite a distance, I practiced on close up shots of flowers in the garden :lol:

I believe the TZ7 is supposed to be better, but more expensive.
yeah way out of my budget tho with my marines
Lol, well I'm figuring I'm not going to rush into buying anything. But I do want something I can have for a long time, and preferably something I can easily transport so your camera would be quite a good one for me.

Indigo - Yours also looks pretty good, what sort of size was that fish and how zoomed were you(if at all)?
There are quite a lot of threads in the photography section forum, with lots of different options, Gaz (gunman) is pretty good at recommending cameras.
That's in macro, with flash and it is my 6" oscar. It was evening and lit from above with a cheapo led light (my tank lights are bust :( )
Lol... I didn't realise we had a photography section. And that I'm asking questions that a million and one other people had asked... Oops. :angel:

I've just been reading through some of them, and am quickly coming to the conclusion that I only want a mid-high range compact digital. Mainly as I don't really want to take photography up as a hobby, or progress any 'talent', I just want to get good enough to take a good picture. Ie. Put it on the right modes then point and click... lol.
I'd definitely have a look at the decent bridge cameras then - smaller (generally) than an SLR, most have auto and manual modes and a variety of settings for different conditions. My fuji has 18x optical zoom and 2 macro settings which makes it great for action, close up, outdoor pretty much most occasions.

There are other makes most of the big names do a 'bridge camera' but fuji seem to have made it there main area of expertise.
Well you've all given me some good ideas and things to think about. I'll go have a browse and do some research, then try n get myself a shortlist to hopefully post in the photography section. :)

i personally think anyone buying a camera to photograph fish needs a macro lense attachment to a DSLR and a camera with a very high shutter speed to get good quality pics

a normal 35mm camera is quite good for close ups but not ideal

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