What Breed Is Your Dog?

I have an American Pit Bull Terrier. We got him at 16 weeks in Oct. of 2009. He'll be 5 this year and besides my husband, he is the best thing that have ever happened to be. 
Owning a breed that is so widely hated and discriminated against has taught me many life lessons that I'll never forget. 


Great photos!  Psst: you did not identify him by name, nor did you id the kitty or the other pup.  For shame, HuMom!  Ha ha haaa.
The breed target changes with time.  German shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and Rottweilers have all gone through this. 
I do believe owners have to be aware of their breed's disposition.  You can't own a scent hound and expect the dog to have a great recall, taking the dog on leash-free walks through the woods.  That would be irresponsible.  Similarly, sight hounds and terriers need to have owners who learn about and are knowledgeable about those breeds and the work they are meant for.  Sure they are bred to be pets today (unless the breeder specifies this is a working line of the breed) but there are still things a responsible owner has to know and plan around. 
I'll be looking for your posting about names ha ha haaa! 
I have 2 Gordon Setters.
Ambrose is 5 years old.
Niamh is 8 years old.
Gorgeous doggies!  And I love that you named them ethnic to their breed.  Those ears can be SOOOOoooo soft!
Thanks Freedom. Yes their ears are very soft!  I love that about them.  
I do like Celtic names and folklore.  My previous Gordon was named Selkie.
We have a Beagle and a not known breed rescue dog
Floyd, have to guess what breed


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Looks like a black lab x pit mix to me.  Handsome dog!
ficklefins said:
I have three Border Collies!
We've been fostering border collies for 3 years and each foster has a little piece of my heart, I remember all their names and personalities and try to keep in touch with all of them.  I almost sort of consider them to be mine in a way, even if they aren't mine anymore! 
It's admirable what you do, but how can you do it? If it was me they'd all still be with me and I'd be known as 'The Mad Collie Man' and people would steer clear of me and walk on the other side of the road -- and I wouldn't care, 'cos I'd have my Collies.
Just wanted to share an updated pic of my River dog. She is six months old as of tomorrow! 

Ignore the discombobulated elephant in the background. She killed it within minutes. Kinda scares me. O o 
ShinySideUp said:
I have three Border Collies!
We've been fostering border collies for 3 years and each foster has a little piece of my heart, I remember all their names and personalities and try to keep in touch with all of them.  I almost sort of consider them to be mine in a way, even if they aren't mine anymore! 
It's admirable what you do, but how can you do it? If it was me they'd all still be with me and I'd be known as 'The Mad Collie Man' and people would steer clear of me and walk on the other side of the road -- and I wouldn't care, 'cos I'd have my Collies.
At first it is very hard, but after they start sending you some difficult dogs to work with, you love them, but are very very happy to see them go at the same time :p 

I've currently been fostering a heartworm positive dog through her heartworm treatment and she has been an absolute joy, she will be hard to give up but I know the family adopting her personally which makes it easier!
majerah1 said:
Just wanted to share an updated pic of my River dog. She is six months old as of tomorrow! 

Ignore the discombobulated elephant in the background. She killed it within minutes. Kinda scares me. O o 
She looks great!  We just got two Border Collie/English Shepherd mix puppies in rescue a week ago and I thought of you :)
I have a 2 year old English Staffordshire bull terrier called Lola.
She is the greatest dog ever even though she is tiny for a staffy lol.

ficklefins said:

I have three Border Collies!
We've been fostering border collies for 3 years and each foster has a little piece of my heart, I remember all their names and personalities and try to keep in touch with all of them.  I almost sort of consider them to be mine in a way, even if they aren't mine anymore! 
It's admirable what you do, but how can you do it? If it was me they'd all still be with me and I'd be known as 'The Mad Collie Man' and people would steer clear of me and walk on the other side of the road -- and I wouldn't care, 'cos I'd have my Collies.
At first it is very hard, but after they start sending you some difficult dogs to work with, you love them, but are very very happy to see them go at the same time

I've currently been fostering a heartworm positive dog through her heartworm treatment and she has been an absolute joy, she will be hard to give up but I know the family adopting her personally which makes it easier!

majerah1 said:
Just wanted to share an updated pic of my River dog. She is six months old as of tomorrow! 

Ignore the discombobulated elephant in the background. She killed it within minutes. Kinda scares me. O o 
She looks great!  We just got two Border Collie/English Shepherd mix puppies in rescue a week ago and I thought of you


Ugh you're killin me! Pics? I love bebehs! 
majerah1 said:


I have three Border Collies!
We've been fostering border collies for 3 years and each foster has a little piece of my heart, I remember all their names and personalities and try to keep in touch with all of them.  I almost sort of consider them to be mine in a way, even if they aren't mine anymore! 
It's admirable what you do, but how can you do it? If it was me they'd all still be with me and I'd be known as 'The Mad Collie Man' and people would steer clear of me and walk on the other side of the road -- and I wouldn't care, 'cos I'd have my Collies.
At first it is very hard, but after they start sending you some difficult dogs to work with, you love them, but are very very happy to see them go at the same time

I've currently been fostering a heartworm positive dog through her heartworm treatment and she has been an absolute joy, she will be hard to give up but I know the family adopting her personally which makes it easier!

majerah1 said:
Just wanted to share an updated pic of my River dog. She is six months old as of tomorrow! 

Ignore the discombobulated elephant in the background. She killed it within minutes. Kinda scares me. O o 
She looks great!  We just got two Border Collie/English Shepherd mix puppies in rescue a week ago and I thought of you


Ugh you're killin me! Pics? I love bebehs! 

They came from a puppy mill and that's what the guy said they were, at least.  Everyone keeps thinking maybe some pyrenees, but they were from a breeder so who knows :p


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