That's Sadie and Kasey's mom. Kasey has really short legs, so I was wondering maybe if the mom was a cartain breed, and maybe they had short legs as well? I just really dont know cat breeds really well, and I thought yall may know.
I am a bit confused though as to how Sadie looks so coonish, and none of the other family members do, and how Kasey could have the short legs. I dont think their stunted, so I thought maybe the mother was a breed that had short legs.
They go back to the vet in a few weeks, so I guess I'll ask then.
To be honest, your cat is probably short legged because of a random gene that might make it a little cobbier than other cats in the litter. Most cats that are not coming from a direct breeding line are not mixed breeds in the sense that dogs are, where they may only be a few generations removed from being purebred; mixed cats, or "moggies," have been thier own line since they reached the continental US. They are generally called "domestic shorthairs" or "domestic longhairs," but they are essentially just a line of rugged animals descending from farmcats and general domestic stock. Breeds were more formed from general stock than general stock was formed from breeds in the world of cats; moggies have existed as long as cats have, but many cat breeds only surfaced in the last few hundred years.
Whatever she may be, that is one gorgeous kitter! And I bet those short legs look adorable
no, thats not my cat either, I ll post some updated pictures of them soon. Theyve gotten big in the 2 wekks Ive had them, it seems so much longer though, especially with Kasey.
Is there any possiblity that she has a different father than the rest? It is possible to have more than one father per litter. Plus, there is a breed or two of cat that has shorter legs, but I don't have my cat book with me to look it up in....