What Breed Are These Betta? Can Someone Advise?


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Hi All
I'm totally new to this forum. I've recently got hooked to keeping Bettas. They are just so beautiful.

I've gotten 2 female and 2 males from the fish farm over the weekend. could you help to to identify these breed






Do they look good and healthy?
Right I am no good at this but will try but please listen to the others for real ok? Top females plakats, two males are veiltails? abd bottom female looks....plakat cambodian???

There is a good guide with colour and tail identifications I have to rush out but will look again later!

p.s. they are absolutely gorgeous!
Yep. All veiltails. The last looks more like a plakat male than a female, but if you say she had fry then I guess she is a female! I would still say she is a VT though. Her anal fin looks a bit too long and pointed for a plakat.
all look VT to me. the last one is questionable tho...could be a PK male.
All are veil Tails, I like your pinkish Veil Tail male. He is a beauty. And now you have betta fry? Wow what a challenge that must be to keep. I think that the last one you posted, in your second post, is a plakat, not sure if it is male or female though.
Confirm the last one is a female. U can see the white tip below the belly. and she gave birth to a lot of frys. U can see from the vidoe link that I had posted on the second post.
Confirm the last one is a female. U can see the white tip below the belly. and she gave birth to a lot of frys. U can see from the vidoe link that I had posted on the second post.

but bettas dont give birth to live fry? they release eggs which the male fertilises and guards?
Yes yes yes .. she drop the eggs and another male that I had father them ..!

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