What became of the girl who went to europe to get treated ?

Yes, also from me a happy belated birthday wish...
Happy birthday. I hit 77 this week. Never give up. There should always be hope. I stumbled across this on Youtube recently and it reminded me of you when I watched it. It was hard to keep my eyes dry.

I've already seen this video. And also I was touched by it...
That stinks. I did not go to that site. I was watching something else and that vid was on the long list of vids YouTube suggests, I had no idea it was a fraud. i do not understand how they can make that vid featuring Eastwood without his permission. Nowhere did I see anything about it being a fake story. I apologize.

I keep forgetting that the internet and truth have grown so far apart. I was just another sucker for the day I guess.

It was a nice story and sometimes it easy to make people want to believe that things like this might actually happen. I normally use Youtube for entertainment viewing not news or anything factual.

I assume the comments must be phony as well. Otherwise there are are many more suckers out there besides just me.

Sorry Juice. I apologize.
Sadly that story is completely fake.
That channels whole purpose is to write fictional stories to invoke emotion.
May or may not be fake. I checked on snopes.com, the premier site for checking urban legends and it came up with basically undetermined. They just said there was not enough information to confirm or deny.

Personally I wish the story was true but strongly doubt as, if true, it would have hit national news broadcasts.

Still it is a heart touching story and defines our Juice. The determination, fortitude and strength shown in the video is our Juice whether the story is true or not. By her actions she makes the story true even if it is not.
May or may not be fake. I checked on snopes.com, the premier site for checking urban legends and it came up with basically undetermined. They just said there was not enough information to confirm or deny.

Personally I wish the story was true but strongly doubt as, if true, it would have hit national news broadcasts.

Still it is a heart touching story and defines our Juice. The determination, fortitude and strength shown in the video is our Juice whether the story is true or not. By her actions she makes the story true even if it is not.
Look at the description of the youtube channel.
Screenshot 2025-03-22 at 9.05.36 PM.png
Sadly that story is completely fake.
That channels whole purpose is to write fictional stories to invoke emotion.
Do you work hard at being a party-pooper? 🧐 Or are you just naturally talented? 😂
Had emergency surgery today because my central line got ripped out of my chest. The doctors were rude and almost cruel. They did the procedure this time rather than with full sedation like usual, with no pain medication, numbing, or sedation. Simply because the really mean doctor ordered it to be done that way. Not to mention they did it incorrectly so it’s 10x more painful than in the past, and will probably need re-done. I’m calling my doctor tomorrow and she will probably send me back in.

I am NOT in a good mood about it.
Had emergency surgery today because my central line got ripped out of my chest. The doctors were rude and almost cruel. They did the procedure this time rather than with full sedation like usual, with no pain medication, numbing, or sedation. Simply because the really mean doctor ordered it to be done that way. Not to mention they did it incorrectly so it’s 10x more painful than in the past, and will probably need re-done. I’m calling my doctor tomorrow and she will probably send me back in.

I am NOT in a good mood about it.
This may sound totally off the wall but this procedure just may be the best that has happened for you.

If the doctor did this outside of normal procedure you well may have justifiable grounds for a malpractice suite especially since you say that the procedure was botched.

I would contact a personal injury lawyer that works on consignment. The advantage of such a lawyer is that it costs you nothing out of pocket. Sure, they take 30-35% of any awarded money as payment but you could, potentially, still end up with a settlement that could finance all your medical needs.

At least it is something worth taking a look...
This may sound totally off the wall but this procedure just may be the best that has happened for you.

If the doctor did this outside of normal procedure you well may have justifiable grounds for a malpractice suite especially since you say that the procedure was botched.

I would contact a personal injury lawyer that works on consignment. The advantage of such a lawyer is that it costs you nothing out of pocket. Sure, they take 30-35% of any awarded money as payment but you could, potentially, still end up with a settlement that could finance all your medical needs.

At least it is something worth taking a look...
I’ll have to look into it. Funny thing is too, I wouldn’t have needed this procedure done in the first place if on the 12th when I was admitted to the PCU they hadn’t started this issue. A nurse came and did a sternum rub on top of my line and pulled it out about 1.5 inches (that’s not even my sternum, not to mention it’s in my chart that I am under NO circumstances to ever receive a sternum rub)

That nurse pulled it out far enough to be of concern and loosened the cuff. And then ever since then it’s slipped out more and more, until today it was slipped out nearly half of the full length that was supposed to be internal! It was pulled out even beyond those red lines. The bottom red line is where it was supposed to be.

I’ll have to look into it. Funny thing is too, I wouldn’t have needed this procedure done in the first place if on the 12th when I was admitted to the PCU they hadn’t started this issue. A nurse came and did a sternum rub on top of my line and pulled it out about 1.5 inches (that’s not even my sternum, not to mention it’s in my chart that I am under NO circumstances to ever receive a sternum rub)

That nurse pulled it out far enough to be of concern and loosened the cuff. And then ever since then it’s slipped out more and more, until today it was slipped out nearly half of the full length that was supposed to be internal! It was pulled out even beyond those red lines. The bottom red line is where it was supposed to be.

View attachment 364029
Yes, you should check it out. The problem I see is that you probably signed a document that would absolve the doctor from such suites. However such a document, if I understand right, can be denied by the courts as evidence if the thing was signed under duress. It would seem, from what you said, that you were under duress.

Check it out as it can't hurt you and could possibly help. On the downside the doctor would probably refuse to even ever see you again but would you really want the doctor to treat you again.

I know that your issues are rare but it is still a sad story as to the the medical society. They just don't want to deal with you as they would have to spend a lot of time researching which would mean less patients which means less income. HMO's and frivolous law suites are largely the cause of this.

Still it is sad as to the lack of proper medical treatment. When I lived in Florida I had a good friend that died of intestinal cancer. He didn't need to die but the doctor got more money from the HMO for not prescribing expensive tests. The guy had treatable cancer if done early yet the doctor treated him for a year and a half for ulcers. It is just a sad situation. :(
Good Doctors are not common. That is not to say most Doctors are bad. The situation is multi-faceted. The cost involved in entering the profession requires a big nod to the economics of treatment, the ongoing educational requirements infringe on time, and the general need to juggle patient needs with private needs is also an issue.

In this area the one-horse general practitioner is nearly extinct. That type of doctor has been replaced with a corporate edition, normally associated with a hospital's for-profit arm. They work a normal blue-collar style workday and answer to bean counters. The "new" system lends itself well to assembly line care but not so much so to individual care.

Many people do not understand the difference between an HMO, a PPO, and an indemnity plan. The HMO lends itself well to "scheduled Maintenance", the indemnity plan to catastrophic events, and the PPO is somewhere between the two. In the case of Linda and I we, until her recent calamity, have had pretty expected medical costs. When we were young, we selected an indemnity plan because any medical issue would likely have been of the catastrophic and unforeseen event. When we first retired, we changed to a PPO. This allowed us National coverage. The past few years we selected an HMO because our medical needs were more aligned with scheduled maintenance. Her recent issue reacquaints us with the need to have the flexibility of a PPO. Indemnity plans are now largely extinct unless one works for a large corporation, at least in New York State.

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