What Are Your Favorite Dog Breeds?

Thanks Aussie Dog :)
Yes there's NO doubt she's a hearding dog of some sort, I've never had a dog that was so stubbern in my life. I put her in flyball and agility so at least she has a job to do now!
I love Skye Terriers. RIP Poppy!

Dunno why, but I'm deeply touched by this one.... Yes!... RIP Poppy.

Thank you so much. She was a great dog! Means a lot!
I love Skye Terriers. RIP Poppy!

Dunno why, but I'm deeply touched by this one.... Yes!... RIP Poppy.

Thank you so much. She was a great dog! Means a lot!

Ye know!... I was involved with the SPCA for more than 12 years, (running it non profit) and every month, when the vet came through to our little village, it was my decision, which dogs & cats has to be put down, cause it's unlikely that we will find a home for them, and yes!!!!!!!!! I am guilty of making the decision on the lives of thousands of dogs & cats, but on average, we had an influx of 26 new strays every month, and we could not keep them indefinitely, so the decision had to be made.....to make room for the next month's influx.....

It is not easier to to decide on the first one as opposed to the hundreth one, but somebody has to decide...... I'll probably go to hell one day, but those that were in my kennels waiting for new homes, know me, and we were great pals..... I was compelled to euthanaze some myself. (i have sleepness nights over all)

I can elaborate on this extremely, but I feel it is not fair that the general buplic shares the trauma experienced by any SPCA worker.....(although, in most cases, they (the general public) are the reason for it).

Many of the animals that I have put down personally were as cute, and as faithfull as Poppy was..... RIP Poppy, and Flame, and Rambo, and Rover, and Lassie, etc. etc. etc. etc.

In afterthought here guys..... go to your local SPCA tommorrow, and adopt something from them, or make a donation to make this charity thing more barable for them........(just say you're donating to the Poppy fund, from 50p to whatever, will be appreciated)
Yes, it sounds like a hard job.. but it has improved the lives of many other dogs as they were able to live in the kennels and find new, loving homes!
Poppy was 11 and died from a tumour in her chest. She died on the x ray table.
We took her to the vets many times in the year before her death as she was suffering from a cough but the vets just gave us cough medicine and never really looked into it properly. Then one night she could breath so we rushed her to the vets but it was too late to do anything about it.

It was very sad but i know she had a happy life!
I totally understand what you've had to do at the SPCA, sadly someone has to do it.
We got our dog (the one I posted the pic of) from the local shelter last year, it was very hard, she came with a lot of issue, but also SO rewarding. I think all the dogs I get from now on will be rescues.
I totally understand what you've had to do at the SPCA, sadly someone has to do it.
We got our dog (the one I posted the pic of) from the local shelter last year, it was very hard, she came with a lot of issue, but also SO rewarding. I think all the dogs I get from now on will be rescues.

So glad someone understands, cause the most common comment I used to get is that "no!!! I'll never be able to do it....... I love animals too much"..... Now could I respond, that I only do it cause I hate them so much?????
Im not fussed they all taste exactly the same when cooked and in sauce :good:
My favourite is English Springer Spaniel.

But I also love big dogs- german shepherds, mastiffs, malamutes, great danes etc. :wub:
Pomeranians. :wub: Because they are fuzzy, small, sweet, cute, active, funny, and a tad crabby. I like some crabbiness, makes life more interesting.
I LOVE BORDER COLLIES <3 through and through i have my jack russell border terrier hes lovely but collies hold a BIG place in my heart hints i got my bella

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