What are your Ammonia and Nitrites REALLY Like....

I want honest answers about your water specs....

  • Mine are ALWAYS perfect, what can I say....I am a Fish God!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ehhhhh, mine are usually a tad bit high (like .25 or .50)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mine fluctuate from good to bad quite often....HELP ME!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My Ammonia and Nitrite levels are so high I shouldn't OWN FISH!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
My levels fluctuate from 0 for both up to .50 once in a while..........

How about you guys???? ;)
I didn't vote because I've never had a test kit. Heck if you gave me one I probably wouldn't even know what to do with it :D

I've had really soft water fish like rams and hard water fish like auratus and everything in between and I've never done anything to my water except dechlorinate it.... I think I'm lucky :knock on wood: :thumbs:
Cheese Specialist said:
Sorry, fish god here. Amonia and NitrItes always 0 in all my tanks. NitrAte usually about 5-10, never higher.

same here.... NitrAte normally at about 5
Ammonia 4ppm nitrite >10ppm(est 30ppm) Nitrate >200ppm

Though it is doing a fishless cycle :D
Sky042 said:
Ammonia 4ppm nitrite >10ppm(est 30ppm) Nitrate >200ppm
Though it is doing a fishless cycle :D
You had me fooled for a second. HahYah! ::busts a ninja kick::

Ammonia & Nitrites have never been a problem for me. Why would they be an issue if the tank is cycled? :dunno:
Well..........they could be an issue, for instance, if you over feed a little or if you don't clean (vaccuum and scrape) your tank enough or if you don't do regular water changes AT LEAST twice a month!!! ;)

My 30 gallon is at 0 nitrites and .25 ammonia..........time for a good vaccuum and water change!! :nod:

Sadder story for my 55........the ammonia is at 3ppm and nitrites are at 5ppm + maybe up to 10 or more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :eek: :S :no:
True :nod: <they should have a nodding smiley that isn't smiling!!! :lol:

I will edit this post later (after dinner :*) ) and tell the full horrifying story!!!!
No vote, but close to A ...

Occasionally (maybe once every six weeks or so) I get a "trace" reading on either ammonia or (more commonly) nitrites. That is, not quite the same color as zero, but far closer to zero than 0.25 ppm. One water change has always seemed to fix it.
Instead of editing I decided to post again........

I've had fungus 3 times in my 55 gallon this year. First time it was only one Silver Dollar and Jungle brand fizz tab fungus treatment worked great. 2nd time I got Maracyn fungus pills (not fizzy tabs) and it didn't work all that great.....and it was on the exact same Silver Dollar.....no other fish in the tank were effected. 3rd time, not sure if the second breakout EVER really went away, the same SD was infected and another SD was too........so I got Liquid Maracyn fungus treatment and treated the whole tank yet again.......didn't work.....not ONE bit. So, I started freaking out and took HALF of my gravel out like a dumb@$$ (didn't realize that I had taken out more than half of the beneficial bacteria in this process) so I got rid of over half of the gravel because I thought I had too much, which I did, and I was afraid that I wasn't getting the gravel clean enough. I also cleaned all the fake plants with lightly bleached water.

WELL..........now I have these MASSIVE water spikes in Ammonia, Nitrite AND Nitrate. I have taken the 2 SDs out and put them in my 20 gallon hospital tank.....I am treating them YET again with the liquid Medicine and I've raised the temp to 80 - 81 degress F. I've also treated the 20 gallons with 3 rounded tablespoons of Aquarium salt. I hope they live and I hope the fish in my 55 gallon live through the spiking of the water. I think it must be recycling.......... :sad: Uggghhhh........fish can really be a pain sometimes :-( But, seems like it's parly my fault.
Maybe you need some live plants Silver. It won't work miricles but I have been reading that they not only use NitrAte (as I thought) but get more nourishment from Amonia and then NitrIte.

I think NitrAte levels should be judged on what the tap water is. I am lucky, mine is only about 3 but someone was posting from somewhere else in England (can't remember, began with B ) and theirs was 70!!!

Amonia and NitrIte readings have to be a sign of something being wrong, I am afraid. Maybe you need more bacteria? Perhaps an additional filter is in order? Or of course, you could just feed less. ;)
All but one of my tanks are spot on and seem to stay constant get great readings every test but one tank is doing my head in but still working at it :blink:
4ft tank is perfect.. ammonia 0 nitraite 0 nitrate 20 (if anyone remembers i had trouble because it wouldnt come below 30... now its at 20 :thumbs: )

2ft tank pain in the ass.... ammonia 0 nitrite 0.25 nitrate 30 (havin trouble gettin it to drop)

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