What are you getting yourself for Christmas?

Your right kwi that's where we road our bikes. It was really a lot of fun and the last time my brother and I took a long motorcycle trip together before he got sick and passed away. In the picture I am on the right and my brother is on the left.
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Sorry for your loss. Must be a great memory though and a route that is on my bucket list.
probably some more fish, maybe balloon mollies, maybe guppies. who knows. I don't have a lot of space but I want them to have more friends lol
Ok, I lied. I did get something for myself and my daughter to share. She's been wanting to learn to play airsoft, so I spent right around $100 and bought her and I a modest starter airsoft rifle. I'll play with it as much as her, no doubt.
I got myself an early Christmas present a Juwel Rio 125! I've always wanted a big tank and whilst it might not seem big to some people, but to me it is lol. I'm trying to convince my mum to get a bigger one maybe the Juwel Rio 180 but I don't think that'll happen for a little bit. Maybe for my birthday
Well since you asked...
I was thinking about...
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Better late than never. Order placed and arriving next weekend. Delay proved a good thing because the '21 model is even better :hey::hey:
Guess you won't be seeing nearly as much of me loitering on t'internet. I'll do my best to remember to come in and change the water :angel:

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