What Are You Feeding?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2005
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Ohio, USA!
I was just wondering what everybodies feeding schedule is, and what they feed?(their fish) I feed twice a day, and try to rotate different foods. I ussualy do flakes in the morning, and the evening feeding is when I rotate. I try to mix it up for them. I feed frozen brine shrimp, freeze dried krill, glass worms, and bloodworms. I also feed them some pellets. I have some left over cocktail shrimp from a Christmas party that I cut into small pieces and froze. The loaches go crazy over this. What other none fish food do you feed them? I guess it would be helpful to know what you are feeding also. I have some silver dollars, clown loaches, and a RTBS.
I feed on average twice a day. If they ask for more they get it. If they don't come to the top I don't feed. Cichlids are great that way. The Cichlids get pellets, blood worms, beef heart, algae disks, and what ever live I come across. The Bettas get Betta pellets, blood worms, and the occasional live. Then of course there are the "days off" where no one gets fed that day.
Ive been feeding my Oscars 4 times a day since i got them 2 weeks ago. I want them to be big - fast :flex: It means more water changes i now perform 2 15% changes twice a week inc. a vacumn. I feed them pellets, bloodworm, chicken, live crickets & live mealworms... They are soooooo greedy! :pepsi:
Twice a day for your average adult (not being conditioned for breeding) community fish is over-feeding big time. Once a day, 5 - 6 days a week is more than enough.
Twice a day for your average adult (nont being conditioned for breeding) community fish is over-feeding big time. Once a day, 5 - 6 days a week is more than enough.

Doesn't that depend on how much you feed? Surely 1 flake twice a day is no more overfeeding than 2 flakes once a day?

I feed my cories once a day- catfish tablets. Replaced by live foods (well, jellied daphnia, brine shrimp or bloodworm) c. twice a week. One fasting day a week.

The livebearers get fed twice a day- small quantities of flake. Replaced c. twice a week (i.e. 1 of the 2 daily feeds) by live foods as above and twice or three times a week by veggies (peas, spinach, sprouts etc). One fasting day a week.
Twice a day for your average adult (nont being conditioned for breeding) community fish is over-feeding big time. Once a day, 5 - 6 days a week is more than enough.

Doesn't that depend on how much you feed? Surely 1 flake twice a day is no more overfeeding than 2 flakes once a day?

I feed my cories once a day- catfish tablets. Replaced by live foods (well, jellied daphnia, brine shrimp or bloodworm) c. twice a week. One fasting day a week.

The livebearers get fed twice a day- small quantities of flake. Replaced c. twice a week (i.e. 1 of the 2 daily feeds) by live foods as above and twice or three times a week by veggies (peas, spinach, sprouts etc). One fasting day a week.
Of course it depends how much is being fed. But most newbie fish keepers do not realise this and will generally feed the full recommended amount twice a day. Greedy fish will consume as much as they can and produce excess waste - which leads to high nitrates - which leads to less than desirable water conditions and lastly illness.

Your fish get a fabulous array of food !
I feed different foods every few days. Usually though it's flakes and sinking pellets (two different types of each) with once every week or two a feeding of frozen blood worms. I have around a half-dozen types of food I can feed and try to keep it somewhat equally distributed.

I don't feed them more than four times a week (usually 3) let alone twice a day. The exception is my Clowns who I try to feed every day or two. They'll eat anything I put in there but my RTBS only takes frozen worms so he gets fed less often.

Some of my fish can and do go up to a week without being fed anything and it doesn't hurt them and if anything allows them to clean their system out. Don't worry about starving your fish if you don't feed them for a few days. Most of them can go upwards of a month without food if they have been kept properly fed beforehand.

Once my 55g is set up, I'm probably going to end up re-doing my feeding schedule since there will be a more complicated set up with fish in it. And then I'll have Lake Tang shellies in a 30 which will require an entirely different feeding set up.
My community tanks get fed once a day, my fry/juvies get fed 2-6, depending on the age. They all get fasted one day a week.

I feed; TetraMin Flakes, TetraMin Granules, Hikari Bloodworms, Hikari Krill, Hikari Daphnia,
San Francisco Bay Brand Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Hikari Bloodworms. Live Brine Shrimp and Blackworms, Peas, Broccoli, Zucchini, and Lettuce. The Bottom Dwellers get sinking tablets, shrimp pellets, and whatever Live food falls.
Our fish get a very wide range of foods;
  • live or frozen bloodworm
  • live or frozen brine shrimp
  • live or frozen daphnia
  • live jumbo bloodworm
  • live glassworms
  • live earthworms
  • live river shrimp
  • live red crab
  • live aquatic snails
  • live mealworms
  • live waxworms
  • live or canned crickets
  • live locusts
  • frozen krill
  • frozen prawns
  • fresh or frozen cockle
  • fresh or frozen mussell
  • fresh or frozen edible crab
  • fresh or frozen whitebait/sprats
  • fresh or frozen peas
  • fresh or frozen brussells sprouts
  • fresh zuchinni
  • JMC sinking pellets
  • JMC protein granules
  • Hikari algae wafers
  • Wardleys sinking wafers
  • King British sinking tablets
  • flake!
Our fish get a very wide range of foods;
  • live or frozen bloodworm
  • live or frozen brine shrimp
  • live or frozen daphnia
  • live jumbo bloodworm
  • live glassworms
  • live earthworms
  • live river shrimp
  • live red crab
  • live aquatic snails
  • live mealworms
  • live waxworms
  • live or canned crickets
  • live locusts
  • frozen krill
  • frozen prawns
  • fresh or frozen cockle
  • fresh or frozen mussell
  • fresh or frozen edible crab
  • fresh or frozen whitebait/sprats
  • fresh or frozen peas
  • fresh or frozen brussells sprouts
  • fresh zuchinni
  • JMC sinking pellets
  • JMC protein granules
  • Hikari algae wafers
  • Wardleys sinking wafers
  • King British sinking tablets
  • flake!
Wow! :thumbs:
Oh shes a cutie. A aquatics store near me has a large puffer in a display tank, id imagine 1 1/2 - 2ft in length, im not too sure but its a nice big fish... The fella who runs the shop is a bit of a rare boy, so ive never talked to him about it. I still love it though! :lol:
Mine don't get the same star treatment as SirMinions, but they do get -

- Aquatic Snails
- Tetraprima
- A mix of about 10 different flake foods (i just bunged them all in a single tub. I doubt my fish can tell the difference)
- Frozen Brineshrimp
- Frozen Daphnia
- Frozen Bloodworm
- Algae wafers
- Hikari lionhead pellets
- Fresh greens (lettuce, cucumber etc)
- Mussels
- Prawns, either shell on or shell off. Buying a shell on prawn is pretty cheap, about 12p in sainsburys for one.

It looks like they get quite a varied diet from that, but really, they have their favourites and a lot of the fish are too stubborn to try anything new :)

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