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I don't see why you cant keep swords in there... if you can get ones large enough.. the panchax killi will enjoy eating 2'' swordtails I assure you.. so if you cant get full grown swordtails, or at least 3'' ones, I wouldn't try it.

If you want to minimize the possibility of the serpaes nipping, get more of them... the more of them the better. I'm not sure why people are saying black skirts are nippy.. I've never had a problem with them nipping before. Could just be me though.
As far as serpae nipping, I had a group of hi fin serpae that were just gorgeous. But every once in awhile they would go on a tear and chew everyone up. Little green neons disappeared. I took them out of the community. I worried about fin rot. I finally tried them again. In the moving a couple died, Eventually one died that seemed to be the terror of the group. Way over the top past normal Alpha behavior I think. After he died my serpae became the gentle men and ladies of the tank. Only one is left now. But as a result of this experience, I believe just one crazed Nazi can wreck havok. Still, perhaps some species of Tetra produce more crazy tormentors than others.

I don't have experience with the black skirts personally, but they do have the reputation of being more aggressive than some other species.

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