What are these? Scuds?

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Oct 27, 2021
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Not sure if this is a real emergency but does anyone know what these little white circles are? I noticed them in 2 tanks as I was doing water changes.
A buddy of mine said it sounded and looked like scuds to him but he is also fairly new to aquarium keeping. Any info would be appreciated.
I would say it looks like snail eggs but usually there are more clumped together...
Super hard to tell, I would think seed shrimp, but I recognise them by their movement - it's hard to tell when seeing them on the glass with a macro shot, my brain can't work out the scale/real size, lol. Do they move rapidly in little darts and circles? Look up seed shrimp videos on youtube, you'll be able to see vids of them moving and see if it's the same!

If your friend and I are right, they're not harmful, they're free fish food! lol. There are some harmful things that can sneak into our tanks, so definitely right to investigate. But since we're creating a little ecosystem, there are also lots of harmless and even helpful micro critters that appear too. One of my tanks has a lot of these types of tiny critters like seed shrimp, I see them when I do water changes. Tank has a lot of live plants and mulm too, and organics like almond leaves that these micro critters live on, so I encourage it. Because it's the tank where my pygmy corydoras colony breed constantly, with the fry living in and raising themselves in that tank. I'm convinced that they live mainly on these things, not just the food I supply :)
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