1. hard to ID as its blurry. if it has green and white leaves its a dracena sp. A bog plant that will rot in your tank and will do better on the windowsil. Not atrue aquatic plant. Looked on google, doesn't look like that, but I'll make sure I'll check it for rotting
2. looks like didiplis diandra or similar. given the right conditions it will grow like a weed. i use plants like that to use up excess nutrients when i first start a planted tank. it helps prevent an algae outbreak by having a larger biomass of plants. Its the kinda stuff sold in bunches for 99p - easy to grow. good, perfect for my tank
3. looks like blyxa japonica. - more demanding. yep, looks like that on google. I'm looking into ferts and co2 so that could be ok
Dont hold me to any of those.
its best you research plants before buying as you can just waste money. I give them as much research as i do fish.... so do I, it's just they didn't have labels...