I have been a bit slow in realising the key to algae control is light control. Light is the single greatest germination trigger for algae. Take the light away for a given period of time and you are delivering a serious blow to the algae`s development, but our plants seem to be able to take in their stride in relation.
Removing as much algae as possible before the black out is always a good idea for the reasons you high lighted. I noticed that for a long period of time after my black out, the tank glass and lily pipes remained spotless, before that annoying green dust started to appear again and needed cleaning off every couple of weeks. I had a period where no matter how hard I looked, I couldn`t find any evidence of algae.
Some people on here have had failures with black outs, but I personally believe that to be a combination of:
A. The algae is allowed to become too firmly established for one black out period to work.
B. The follow up steps of continued algae removal and regular 50% water changes are not followed.