What Are These Buds On Java Moss?


Apr 6, 2009
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Hello all :)

I have just had delivered java moss attached to bamboo sticks.

They are covered in hair algae, which i am annoyed at really :( Does anyone know what the buds are?



Seen this alot on the moss poles.

It's ordinary moss growing among the Java moss and it's the pods that release the spoor's.

so it's nothing to do with Java moss.
Thanks helterskelter

So it has been filled out with normal moss!!! Dam ebayer!

Whats the best way to get rid of hair algae?
The moss is normal it's how it's grown on the farms.

I guess they need the moss first for the Java moss to attach too more easily.

Hair algae!!!!! nothing other then giving it time. shrimp i find help a little to clear it up.
Ok then thanks, when my tank is cycled i will get myself some shrimp! :good:
if i were you i would throw it, as you risk it spreading through the rest of the tank. It is in terrible condition, i dont know how some people dare send that out.
If you do decide to get rid of it, then buy some easycarbo, and spot dose - get daily amount in a pippette/ syringe then squirt directly onto affected area.
I can't throw it, i bought 3 of them. :( I have pictured the worst bit, the rest are not as bad.

Maybe i could take it apart, clean it and re-attach it? would that help?

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