What Are Some Fairly Easy Species To Breed?

must depend on where you live, here i can buy sajica's for the same price as convicts about £4 each but never see hrp :)
I appreciate you mentioned livebearers as not being intresting, but have you considered the less common species such as...

Halfbeaks (can be a good choice if you have soft water, unlike many livebearers, but there are some like Red Fin and Wrestling species that do well in harder water. Often misballed in shops. Nice article by one the resident gurus, http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Projects/Halfbeaks/halfbeaks.html)
Butterfly Goodeids (dodgy in a community, very nippy/feisty reputation, gorgeous fish though)
Red Tailed Goodeids (sometimes nippy, but can work in a community with speedy tankmates in a tank with a good sized footprint)
Ilyodon spp. (not seen in the shops often at all, but gorgeous temperate fish that enjoy a good current)

Most of the above have gestation periods of just under two months, so it would take much longer to be overrun with fry, but in all honesty fish stores and keepers will bite your hand off for the above.

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