What Are My Mollies Doing?


New Member
Feb 6, 2011
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my male mollie is chasing my female mollie around and pecking her anal fin / belly and also he is raising his top fin really high?

are they mateing?
Often males nip at the anal fin before commencing mating so yep. I'd say he will mate with her (if he hasn't already). And you can espect fry in a few weeks.
Often males nip at the anal fin before commencing mating so yep. I'd say he will mate with her (if he hasn't already). And you can espect fry in a few weeks.

well i braght her and him about 3 days ago 1st day i had her she had 25 fry ,, from today 3 have survived

so is he mating this early on , i mean they were in different tanks when i got them so would they so soon ?

many thanks
Livebearers breed like rabbits. Nothing stops them, and they will mate even if she's already pregnant and developing fry again.
Same way as your mollies. Male has a gonopodium, female has a normal spade shape anal fin.

Sometimes you'll get late developing males though that seem to have a female anal fin.

Another way is to look at the colouration, females tend to be a plain grey/cream body with coloured fins. Males are normally brighter, larger fins, colour is continuous over the whole fish.
Do you have only one female molly? If so, you may find she will become extremely stressed from the constant harrassment from the male. if your tank is big enough I would strongly advise that you get at least another 2 females or consider keeping only males together if you don`t want a continuous stream of fry to deal with ;)
i have 1 male & 3 female mollies, and the male only harasses 1 of them...the one that is currently pregnant.

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