What are DP worth?


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Manitoba, Canada
I have the tank set up and ready to go and have finally located a fish store in my area that will order the little guys in (on a special request). My question is how much did you pay for your Dwarf Puffer. I once saw them at pet land for 16.99 a piece this seem very pricey to me as they are a fish capable of being bred in an aquarium.
one lfs charged $9.99 USD, another charged $3.99 USD, but most places sell them here for $1.99-$2.99 USD......................... $16.99 CAD is about $13.00 USD, 'tis a bit pricey for dwarf puffers........................
Thanks that really puts things into perspective to how much I should be spending around. I was hoping on not having to dish out 60 bucks for three.

I've got a spare 10 gal kicking around right now and I was planning to put into it 3 DP and 3 otos. As soon as I get the email back from the stores I'll be set.
a1wonder said:
Thanks that really puts things into perspective to how much I should be spending around. I was hoping on not having to dish out 60 bucks for three.

I've got a spare 10 gal kicking around right now and I was planning to put into it 3 DP and 3 otos. As soon as I get the email back from the stores I'll be set.
Good luck, you will be hooked on puffers. :D
Heck I've been reading this forum constantly and researching for about a month now. I've been hooked since the first time I layed my eyes on species. It's only now that my tank has been mature enough where it's ready to handle the little guys. I will be posting pictures a bit latter just to make sure everyone things it's well planted enough.

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