what am i?


New Member
Mar 10, 2004
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hmm... ok, this is just so biazzare... amounst some of my inhabitants of my 55us Gallon aqaurium are 6 zebra dianos 6 lepord dianos and 5 rainbow fish.

i would say that i noticed this two weeks back, first it was one some of the zebra dianos, on thier mouth they had this tiny white ball (?- i can't call it a spot as you can see the roundness in size and it sticks out) i am a firm believe not to stick medicines in on the first sign of problems and until you know what you've got, what caused it, how to prevent it. I dont remeber the why i used Melafix, its supposed to be a good natural antibacterial stuff, thats supposed to be good when introducing new fish, netting fish... i used this stuff for about 2days and the white balls went away.

today, i've just looked at my tank and now the 2 of the rainbow fish ahve them, i would say they are as big as a grain of salt.

i dont know what they are, where they've come from, anyone got any ideas, i would put a pic up, but my digital cam isnt very good, and the fish dont stay still long enough as to focus in on them.

i'll use some more melafix, that should do the trick, but any ideas? i have a matures cycled tank, its been established for 8mnths now... but this baffels me, i used to keep goldfish before and never had a problem like this.
all my water readings are o just in case you wondering...
:fish: sounds like ich, you need to treat the whole tank for at least 2-3 weeks,if it is allright for your fish then raise the tank temperature to about 78-80, this speeds up the life-cycle of the parasite,get some anti-whitespot treatment :D

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