What Am I Meant To Do?


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
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London, England
My brother gave me a fish tank today. I have been keeping fish for a good few years now but never discus. Annnway, long story short there are 5 of them, about 2.5" each and they are in a jewel 120, now i know this isnt going to last them long but I guess it will be ok for a while until I can get something bigger? They have kind of been thrust on me and im not sure what to do. Now I have skimmed a book I had and It seems they need very clean water and lots of places to hide? Should I feed them flake and some live? How much water should I change and how often?

They seem to be in great health although being a little shy. Any advice would be helpful.
Course 4x2x2 would work. Not a discus expert but, a good discus flake would suffice. Could try Discuskeeper's recipe. Why did your brother thrust them on you? Lucky :hyper: Also, any other decorations in the tank? Gravel, plants, sand, ect.? If so, take them out cause that'll lead to stunting. Best to have a bare bottom, 4-5x feedings, 82D temp. and daily 25%-50% W/C
Im going to have a big job on my hands arnt I? lol

Well I am the "animal" person in the family which my siblings now think means they can use me to "test" animals for themselves. If they don't like them its usually me who ends up taking care of the poor things. Its where all my hansters and a leopard gecko (and now these discus) have come from. The lectures about responsibility fall on deaf ears even though they are older than me... and adult. I guess he just didn't want them and I can't see a live fish be flushed away ( I punched him for doing it to some goldfish before, when he knows I have a pond....) and they were free so I just took them and their tank so he can't get anymore.

Annnywho. There is sand at the bottom of the tank, some live plants and a fluval 3 internal filter at the moment, the water is crystal clear which I am very suprised at and I will see if I can dig some tests out as I have some somewhere. It looks so nice, am I going to have to wreck it and go bare? lol

This is such a bad time as im so busy but they are so cute, I am going to keep them. I trust they will be OK in the Jewel 120 until januaryish? They are only small at the min and I can just go ahead and get them a 4x2x2 then.

Ahhh I can see me spending alot of money now lol

Thanks for the help BTW
Best to go bare for easy clean up till they are 4" then you can add what you want. Discus are very easy to stunt. A week of slacking off and your Discus will get stunted. Why would your bro spend that much money on something he'll just get rid of? Well, take out the sand, store it some where till you need it. I would let them grow to 4" in the 120 and at 4.5" move them. Make sure of a smooth, slow acclimation and have both tanks dead on with P.H., Tempature, hardness, and both at 0 Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrites. Good luck and hope for the best.
That tank is only going to last about a month or two, I would go BB too. Once they hit 3-3.5" (sooner the better) I would move them into a 40 breeder or 50-55g to finish growing. As another member stated, daily water changes are necessary, especially because they are young and you have a heavy stock for such a small tank. I would be doing a bare minimum of 50% daily, 80-100% being ideal (until you upgrade.) I am not sure if your Discus will eat flake (sometimes they can be picky like that.), I like Ocean Nutrition Prime Reef/Spirulina flake. I also feed color bits/sera/Hikari pellets, Angelplus Hi-Growth Pro flake (http://www.angelsplus.com/FoodFlake.htm) and Freeze dried Australian blackworms (http://www.blackworms.com.au/) The blackworms are great as Discus seems to take them pretty readily, and also have a major protien/fat content. I also feed frozen mysis, blood worms, brine shrimp and white worms. My Juvy fish get a lot of my homemade beef heart and seafood mix (check the link in my sig.) It is high in protein and fat, and is a lot cheaper then buying food.
I would be doing a bare minimum of 50% daily, 80-100% being ideal (until you upgrade.)

All very good advice given but lol how the heck do you do a 100% water change?

Really quickly I guess otherwise the fish get really stressed :lol:

You want to leave about an inch of water. The best way to do it is age the water in a holding drum/tank, so it can be heated to the correct temperature.

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