What Am I Doing Wrong..?


New Member
Mar 26, 2010
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ive been running my tank for a week now and everything is turning brown or getting brown marks on it,where am i going wrong,can someone help..! thankyou
ive been running my tank for a week now and everything is turning brown or getting brown marks on it,where am i going wrong,can someone help..! thankyou

Hello :)

First thing what deco do you have in your tank as if you any types of wood it might be the tanning or plants, or it might be a ornament you have as i had a cheep one from a shop and it started to flake in my tank when first set it up. So have a good look and see when it might be coursing this? and have you tested you water stats? but to me it's something in your tank deco. But someone else might come up with another point.
I also get this in my tank but for me only some of the my slate substrate and some pebbles get covered in this brown slimy growth. I've just been doing water changes when I spot it and take out the offending bit and give them a scrub, I'm hoping the somehow the problem will settle and hopefully go away.
OK, we will need a little more information before we can help you. When you say brown marks, do you mean a slimy covering all over the glass and stuff? If that's the case, it's probably brown algae, and is fairly common in new tanks.
A picture, if you can provide one, usually helps give a quick "oh, yes, I know what that is" response.
For me it's brown slime/algae but it only seems to occur on some of the substrate and pebbles, more of it near the area of the water outlet, so if you look across the tank there's more of the slime near the water outlet with it gradually fading as you get nearer the water inlet.

I've just done a water change and clean but will post some pics if and when it reoccurs.
in the first week you will get alot of this from your light and dont kept your light on 24/7 as this will make your tank green and brown all over brown is normal for the first week week 1 to week 2 then you will see a change you will howver need to clean it off to make your tank look nice again dont worry to much ok
in the first week you will get alot of this from your light and dont kept your light on 24/7 as this will make your tank green and brown all over brown is normal for the first week week 1 to week 2 then you will see a change you will howver need to clean it off to make your tank look nice again dont worry to much ok
cheers david12 for your comments..,i beleive that it is brown algae,its on the gravel(sparcly spread),on leaves that are fake,witch are attatched to a peice of wood,a white rock,an ornimental horse and is now appearing on the tank its self..what do i do next...??
in the first week you will get alot of this from your light and dont kept your light on 24/7 as this will make your tank green and brown all over brown is normal for the first week week 1 to week 2 then you will see a change you will howver need to clean it off to make your tank look nice again dont worry to much ok
cheers david12 for your comments..,i beleive that it is brown algae,its on the gravel(sparcly spread),on leaves that are fake,witch are attatched to a peice of wood,a white rock,an ornimental horse and is now appearing on the tank its self..what do i do next...??

Well all I did as I said before was to do a partial water change, then take out the bits covered in the slime and gave them a scrub with a toothbrush in the water that I had taken out. For you with gravel it might be harder but take out the top layer of gravel with the marks and give it a quick clean.
OK, we will need a little more information before we can help you. When you say brown marks, do you mean a slimy covering all over the glass and stuff? If that's the case, it's probably brown algae, and is fairly common in new tanks.
thanks for your comment.,i beleive it is brown algae its on the gravel,leaves(fake)a pot orniment,a white rock and is now on the tank.. what do i do next..?
In newly set up tanks ,all kinds of things happen until the tank matures or (cycles).
Bacteria blooms ,diatoms,(which is what I'm guessing) and alage blooms, all tend to become less of an issue when tank has settled or (cycled). Diatoms and various forms of alage love ammonia, when ammonia disappears,, so too will the majority of the diatoms and or alage assuming you arent placing too much light for too long overe the tank.
We sometimes need to let the tank do what it does and there will be plenty of time for cleaning AFTER the tank has matured or cycled. If you like,a clean paper towel folded into fourths can remove the brown algae from the glass but I would resist the urge to use products to clear the water(chemicals), nor would I get too aggressive with vaccuming or cleaning the substrate.
As mentioned ,plenty of time later to spiff things up.
In newly set up tanks ,all kinds of things happen until the tank matures or (cycles).
Bacteria blooms ,diatoms,(which is what I'm guessing) and alage blooms, all tend to become less of an issue when tank has settled or (cycled). Diatoms and various forms of alage love ammonia, when ammonia disappears,, so too will the majority of the diatoms and or alage assuming you arent placing too much light for too long overe the tank.
We sometimes need to let the tank do what it does and there will be plenty of time for cleaning AFTER the tank has matured or cycled. If you like,a clean paper towel folded into fourths can remove the brown algae from the glass but I would resist the urge to use products to clear the water(chemicals), nor would I get too aggressive with vaccuming or cleaning the substrate.
As mentioned ,plenty of time later to spiff things up.
thanks for that roadmaster will see how it goes..!
in the first week you will get alot of this from your light and dont kept your light on 24/7 as this will make your tank green and brown all over brown is normal for the first week week 1 to week 2 then you will see a change you will howver need to clean it off to make your tank look nice again dont worry to much ok
cheers david12 for your comments..,i beleive that it is brown algae,its on the gravel(sparcly spread),on leaves that are fake,witch are attatched to a peice of wood,a white rock,an ornimental horse and is now appearing on the tank its self..what do i do next...??

Well all I did as I said before was to do a partial water change, then take out the bits covered in the slime and gave them a scrub with a toothbrush in the water that I had taken out. For you with gravel it might be harder but take out the top layer of gravel with the marks and give it a quick clean.
will give that i go then,thanks..
Yea, as said above, its down to your lights being on and you entering an 'algae boom'. If you have fish, just keep your lights on for around 6 hours a day. Its what I do and I dont get much at all.

Keep your water changes up, keep testing the water each day and you will have a healthy tank in no time!

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