what am 2 do w/my brother and his fish

I have an important question here....

Are your parents ready to take on the responsibility of this 55 gallon tank when the both of you leave home??
Because if this kind of stuff is going on BEFORE you even buy the tank, I can't IMAGINE what will be happening when you or him wants to leave with it????

Just something to think about ;)
modernhamlet said:
The first thing I'd do is to NOT buy 1/2 of the stuff for a tank when I'd have no say in its occupants.

Your brother is being stupid. Don't participate if he isn't willing to take your interests and (just as importantly) the interests of the fish into account.
That was my thought as well. He might be mad at you for not helping out, but that's better than an Oscar going on the rampage and eating all YOUR fish.

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