what am 2 do w/my brother and his fish


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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he is probly the worst picker outer of fish ever! he buys bala sharks, and irredecent sharks. and they die, and he blames me, sooo were getting a 55 g tank this summer, he says that its for oscars and i cant put anything in it, even though im 1/2 buying it! and he says, put ur cichlids in the 15, 0r 10 g tanks!!! he doesnt get it that oscars need 70 gallons, and that he needs 2 get rid of the sharsk, he also says that they wont grow, or theyll be dead by the time we get the tank, i hardly dought it. i think one shark was dead thismorning, but not sure. the balas as healthy as me. he also says that he wont put them in the "oscar tank" because they wont need it because they dont get big. what am i 2 do w/him?
The first thing I'd do is to NOT buy 1/2 of the stuff for a tank when I'd have no say in its occupants.

Your brother is being stupid. Don't participate if he isn't willing to take your interests and (just as importantly) the interests of the fish into account.
the tank is 158 bucks, he doesnt even have 50, so if he wants it i have 2 help. i want the big tank, but hes so stubern that he wont even believe what i say, i printed things about oscars out 2 show him how mean they r.
Do not buy half of the tank - save your money and buy your own! Honestly - if he's not interested in providing a good environment and working with appropriate fish you are better off striking off on your own with your own tank!

my parents would never allow 2 tanks that big, there minght not be a place 2 put them anyways even if they did. i problly could put 1 in my living room, but it would have 2 be all pink fish, because my the living rooms all pink because my mom designed it, or whatever thats called
If u dont pay half he can only get half its that simple...if u dont think hes resposible enough for a 55 talk to your parents and tell them that those types would die quickly and would be expensive to keep...but if u pay ur only contibuting to the problem -_-
I would tell him either it gets stocked right or you're not helping him with the money.
Also if the tank setup is 158 you're going to need to plan for a good deal of extra money for the other odds and ends.
yes, how old are you both? I think you need to explain to situation to your parents, maybe get them to intervene.
im older, 18 and hes 15.

the tank comes w/everything so there would be no extra money.
he says all the time " i dont care what u want, its going 2 be my tank."
he keeps thinking thats its for his b-day, but its not because my mom would never do that, give one kid a tank and make the other more responsible one have the small one
wrs said:
im older, 18 and hes 15.

the tank comes w/everything so there would be no extra money.
he says all the time " i dont care what u want, its going 2 be my tank."
he keeps thinking thats its for his b-day, but its not because my mom would never do that, give one kid a tank and make the other more responsible one have the small one
If it's going to be his tank, let him pay for it. And let him start from scratch. Looks like he'll have to learn the hard way.
He's fifteen and acts like that? :no:

Why don't you pay for the entire tank and keep the fish you want in there? Tell him to pay for the entire tank when he wants and can get one.

If he doesn't wnat to listen, then don't participate. Do you think he'd listen to the petstore people? If so, you could ask them to ask him to reconsider or not sell him the fish. Some stores have that policy when it comes to the final destination of the fish...

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