he is probly the worst picker outer of fish ever! he buys bala sharks, and irredecent sharks. and they die, and he blames me, sooo were getting a 55 g tank this summer, he says that its for oscars and i cant put anything in it, even though im 1/2 buying it! and he says, put ur cichlids in the 15, 0r 10 g tanks!!! he doesnt get it that oscars need 70 gallons, and that he needs 2 get rid of the sharsk, he also says that they wont grow, or theyll be dead by the time we get the tank, i hardly dought it. i think one shark was dead thismorning, but not sure. the balas as healthy as me. he also says that he wont put them in the "oscar tank" because they wont need it because they dont get big. what am i 2 do w/him?