What A Surprise This Morning!


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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I woke up this morning for the ritualistic feeding and head count of all my fish and what did I find?.... Eggs all over the filter intake!! I was shocked and wondered who on earth could have "done it".

My first thought was my angels... I bougth them a year ago when they were babies, and I only bought two, so the chances of them being male and female I thought to be pretty slim. But it appears as though they may be the ones. I am very excited... I am posting pictures to make sure it was indeed my angels. They hover around the intake quite a bit, and get close and flap their pectoral fins near the eggs. Does it sound like a mating pair to you guys? The only other fish I have that could mate are: corycats and black phantom tetras, but I am not sure if they breed in this manner.

Just thought I would share the joy and get confirmation as to what the eggs are.


Sounds like its the angels to me, they are fanning the eggs probably, to give the eggs water fresh in oxygen.
Ouch... guess no one cares. :) I do have a question. Some have turned white (signs of fungus right?) What is the best way to remove them without crushing neighboring eggs? Tweezers? If you leave them will the fungus spread?
does indeed sound like its the angels, would probably leave the bad eggs, as the parents, will most likely pick out the bad ones on their own.
i agree with Juan. my angels have bred twice recently, one of the batches never hatched and the second, all the babies died somehow. i left the second batch with the parents in a seperate tank, then i removed the parents about a day before the eggs hatched. Good Luck :good:
i agree with Juan. my angels have bred twice recently, one of the batches never hatched and the second, all the babies died somehow. i left the second batch with the parents in a seperate tank, then i removed the parents about a day before the eggs hatched. Good Luck :good:
Angels tend to like vertical or at least angled surfaces for egg-laying. I agree that's it was the angels who "did the deed". :good:

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