What a stupid thing to do!

the caretaker

Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2005
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Worcester UK
So there I was looking at the LED thermostat and it was saying 24.7 I thought thats a bit low I wonder if the heater is ok? so I grab the top of the heater and start turning the orange knob thingy I turned it one way and the light didn't come on so I turned it the other way and just as I turn it to the highest setting the bloody knob comes off in my hand :angry: so there i am with my heater on 32 /90 then the bloody light came on! :lol: £18.95 down the drain :( anyone else do something similar?

I haven't broken anything with my fishy tank that I can think of. But I do stuff like that all the time.
Well, yesterday I found out that my 15G with 2 CAEs in it had a temp of about 12C (the temp was as low as it could measure :p) Oops! Turned out that the heater was build in in the filter, and my boyfriend turned the filter off =/ Meaning that the warm water stayed inside the box because the filter wasnt completely underwater! The fish are still fine though
the caretaker said:
So there I was looking at the LED thermostat and it was saying 24.7 I thought thats a bit low I wonder if the heater is ok? so I grab the top of the heater and start turning the orange knob thingy I turned it one way and the light didn't come on so I turned it the other way and just as I turn it to the highest setting the bloody knob comes off in my hand :angry: so there i am with my heater on 32 /90 then the bloody light came on! :lol: £18.95 down the drain :( anyone else do something similar?
boiled kippers for tea? :p
:lol: more expense not a cheap hobby,I had problems with the juwel heater it's an old one couldn't tell what tempreture you were setting it to, so replaced it.
I went round to a friend's house once. I looked at his tank and saw the thermometer. Odd, I thought, it isnt showing the right temperature. Put my hand on the glass and it practically burned me. The thermometer was off the scale so it wasn't showing anything. Obvously the thermostat had bust on the heater - the water was at maybe 45 degrees centigrade? Some of the fish were dying already. We frantically poured cold water in but it was a losing battle. In the end we grabbed the fish (the ones that were still alive) and put them in a little plastic lunchbox until the water cooled down. One jumped out and almost died so we had to put a cover on with holes in it. Luckily the four that we saved managed to survive, but he lost about 15 fish that day. Lucky I put my hand on the tank or he would have lost them all!

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