What A Smart Boy!


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
Reaction score
off in my own little world
Tuesday's are the day that I clean Cloud's tank... normally he gets all fiesty and won't let me catch him. I am also quite the chatterbox, so more often than not, I carry on conversations with the fish (or other animal I happen to be around)... and I was asking him to please be cooperative. So today I put the little tupperware bowl in the tank to scoop out some water, and what does he do? He swam right into the bowl and stayed there. Heh, didn't have to worry with the net or anything :) And when I was finished and went to dump him back in, he didn't fight like a little salmon swimming upstream- he just slid into his little tank :) What a smart, pretty boy I have! :D He's even gotten to where if you tap the glass, he'll go to where I normally drop his food- if it's not there, I can gently tap along the side to where it is, and he'll follow. He's like a little aquatic puppy sometimes... only not ;)
Very app description... betta's are really little aquatic puppies. Probably why I liked them so much.

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