What a pet!

Dec 1, 2003
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Know question here, just a comment. I took the plunge and bought a baby Albino Tiger Oscar about 2.5 months ago and I just have to say that he is about the happiest, most energetic, intelligent fish I could have ever imagined. Constantly wants attention as soon as he sees me...not to mention always wants to eat:) I don't think anyone can go wrong with getting one of these fish. Makes me happy to come home at night.
Will do! I've really been meaning to take regular photos and keep track of his growth. As it is he's growing at an enormous rate...about an inch a month. He was about 1.5" when I got him in mid septmeber and now he's easily around the 4" mark. Now just to get a hold of a digital camera....
Yayyyy go cichlids!!! :smb:

This is what I keep trying to tell everyone. :whistle:

Glad you're so happy. A. labiatus are the same. The citrinellusxlabiatus and rd complex in general and pures are my fav :nod:
Trudy the Super Oscar said:
Will do! I've really been meaning to take regular photos and keep track of his growth. As it is he's growing at an enormous rate...about an inch a month. He was about 1.5" when I got him in mid septmeber and now he's easily around the 4" mark. Now just to get a hold of a digital camera....
He'll grow between 1-1.5" a month till 10". You have a great fish there. What size tank?
Cant go wrong with an Oscar, I have had mine for about 9 Months and he has loads or personality (although he can get a bit annoyed just after a clean and lay on the bottom of the tank for a while sulking).

They watch TV as well!!! :blink:
I don't think anyone can go wrong with getting one of these fish

I disagree, many people go wrong by putting these guys in less then a 50 gallon aquarium ;)

Laying on their side 'sulking' is a complaint that some owners have, but personally I think it is a personality that really defines the oscar.

Have fun with your new pet, Oscars are really great fish to own!

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