What A Deal :d Synodontis Multi For 8 Pounds.. (hybrid Tho )

just picked up a syno named, synodontis petricola sp. yellow fins. was just curious if it would turn out with yellow fins or not so time will tell!
only about an inch but was only £4.50 so not too bad.

probably a hybrid if it has yellow fins ... i have no idea weather it will stay or not but its most likely guna stay .. and fade slightly
nooooo it hasn't got yellow fins yet lol, i got it to see if it does develop yellow on the fins, if not i don't mind its quite a little stunner.
well there is a twist to the story, friday, lfs got in a shipment from the wholesaler, he got 2 different petricola species, one named s. petricola sp. yellow fin and one names s. petricola sp. salt and pepper. obviously both are hybrids or just a different colour variation (most likely hybrid as you said) so the fact is neither me or the lfs could decide which bag of fish matched which name! the names of the fish just comes on a list with the box's of fish, as most fish are obvious. so i don't necessarily have the one named sp. yellow fin, but could have sp. salt and pepper.
actually looking at it i would think its the one called salt and pepper, just because the tail is pure white with black dots as opposed to a white outline.
im going to buy one of the others anyway so i have one of each and can make my mind up over which is which as they mature!
both are absolutely stunning looking fish!
there is also one in the lfs called Synodontis greshoffi, been researching it on planet catfish but not much info, you know about them, i will ask in another thread! only £8 so might be worth a tickle.

i love these speicies of cats.... they made fishkeeping amzing 4 me :)
petricolas are usualy darker than multies... never even heard of the yellow finned ones ... :D research time :D
lol i no what you mean about getting one each ... one of my multies... which i am sure is 100 percent syno multi is white with huge black splodges and a completely black fins ... it stood out so i got him ...i bougha standard looking one aswel :D
they are growing at the same rate and seem to be quiet fish that only come out once the other 3 have...

good luck with your petricolas and your multies.. i think you have made the best possible decision in buying them..... ive had mine for about year and havent stopped watching them

after some reaserch it apears that the yellow finned petricola is a coclour varient it has slightly off yellow edges to the fins im not 100 % but i think it is due to hybridisation :/
Hey sorry to hijack :D i was sold a a syno under the name a syno Dacora . After googling pictures i can't find anything that looks like mine after looking at your pictures it is nearly identicle to the 2nd picture you posted except the spots on it's head are smaller and more closly together .Like a sterbi cory . Any idea's on what it could be ? Could try and get pic's but it moves to fast lol

Again sorry for hi-jack :D
just came home with 2 more syno's! a synodontis njassae, and a synodontis schoutedeni.
gorgeous fish!
getting a bit of a collection going!
s. eupterus
s. njassae
s. multipunctatus
s. schoutedeni
s. petricola
s. sp. hybrid
and my other cats;
mystus leucophasis
4 x pimelodus pictus
pseudomystus siamensis

can't wait to get the bigger tank, might end up being just for catfish lol!
the descriptions doesnt suggest syno decorus ....
the spotts are close together on pure syno multies.. if you can get a pic im sure we can id it

could b a multi

syno decorus have stripy tails and very llarge black sploges

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