Wh Do You Buy Live Food?


Apr 20, 2008
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I have found growing my own so extremely easy that I was wondering if the experience tropical keepers go in and buy every couple of weeks. My experiment was simple I severely doubted it would be successful myself. I bought a mixed bag of live food and fed the majority to my fish as per usual I then put the remaining stock in a 3 gallon bucket which was filled with water for a couple of weeks in the sun to produce green water. I now have thousands of bloodworms, mosquito larvae (less desirable but inevitable I use a pippette to remove the biggest ones so that fewer mature) and daphnia. I don't just mean a little like the internet accounts generally state there is a massive colony of daphnia which with one net stroke removes easily 300+ its like giving a whole bag of live food to my fish each time. I do nothing to aid it just leave it in the corner of the garden next to the waterbutt (I now use that as my backup culture just in case the primary one fails for whatever reason) and take a net swipe every 3 days.

I didn't want to try the other cultures you guys like because of reports that they get a bit whiffy after awhile and that they take active caring for even if it is only a porridge change every month or 2.
I tried growing daphnia in green water and it failed completely. Wasn't worth it at all.

I did fill a buket with tankwater last week to grow mosquito larvae, but it has yet to turn green despite being in a sunny spot. I may give dapnia another go when the water in the bucket is green.
Put a few drop of ammonia in that water and it will turn very green Honeythorn. I put a little ammonia into my outdoor tub, 150 gallon stock tank, and it was pea soup green in just 2 weeks. I can't see my hand in the water more than a few inches deep.
I just used a fish flake and the leaves that fall in there every so often seem to keep ammonia levels up
My dogs would just drink the water before it even started lol

Lol, ditto that.
Only places the dogs can't get to is where my garden is ( no space for a bucket) and the front yard.. which I have no plans on putting a bucket out there.
REALLY don't need any more reason for mosquitos to come around here since I'm a magnet for them and we live around lakes :p
If you have lots of mosquitoes that happen naturally, get a net and harvest some mosquito larvae. It will slightly reduce the mosquito problem and feed your fish in the bargain.
Indeed thats what I do each day if I have a spare 5 minutes target the mosquito larvae with my pippette and net also occasionally I put a goldfish in there from the pond and they seem to prefer mosquito larvae to the daphnia so clear out the problem
Put a few drop of ammonia in that water and it will turn very green Honeythorn. I put a little ammonia into my outdoor tub, 150 gallon stock tank, and it was pea soup green in just 2 weeks. I can't see my hand in the water more than a few inches deep.

I have no ammonia to hand right now. But I have had a thought. I have a male rabbit, and his pee is quite strong and very ammonia-ish. Would adding a little pee'd on shavings, or some droppings to the bucket provide enough ammonia? Or will it make the water manky?
Yeah pee is said to work although as you would expect it does make the water a bit manky perhaps also moving it to an area of more direct sunlight would help aswell mine gets the sun from 10am onwards. I setup a second bucket yesterday which will get the light all day so thats 3:30am until 9 ish at night
The rabbit waste will do both Honeythorn. It will feed the green water and make the solution much less pleasant.
I used to have an old green bath (70's uck colour) behind my garage, allsorts used to live in it, regularly scoop a net full and feed the fish. Other half moved it, and 'it broke'!
Now I have to make do with the mosquito larva from my pond!
mosquito larvaei is very good food i collect my own live food . one place i collect from i get daphnia mosquito larvaei and glass worm and from another i collect more cyclops than daphnia

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