West Side Story


Fish Gatherer
Jan 20, 2013
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Just got back from seeing an amazing show in Sheffield at the Lyceum - West Side Story.
Wow! What a production! Those young actors/singers have such energy!
I grew up with West Side Story - it was the first LP my older sister got and that's all I heard for months (I think I could sing it backwards even now!)
< that's me singing! lol
Anyway if you are local to Sheffield and can get tickets, do! I believe it is on til 12th July. It's been a great night out.
Roll on September when I'm going to see Jersey Boys in Manchester!
Ah! I love West Side Story!!! I haven't gotten to see a production, but I have seen the movie multiple times. My older sister was able to see it a few years back and said it was great. I am so jealous! :D XD
Well if they put it near you go and see it if you can, blue - if I could fit another visit in I would, but alas I can't so I'll have to be content to listen to it on my computer instead.

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