We're changing up the Tank of the Month contest....read all about it.

I propose a category for TOTM. Most nondescript and underwhelming plain boring tank. I might have a shot at that.

Ooo! Me! Me! I vote for that! ️ Talk about bragging rights! "Crappy tanks? Look no further then RIGHT. HERE. Yeah. Mmm hmm. I DOMINATE in that category. I have the banner to prove it!" Just imagine all the moderately interested fish keepers or those who try but have so... many... challenges... All they have to do is STOP trying to have a brilliant tank. There would be joy throughout the lands.

Disclaimer: I am not advocating poor fish keeping. Only lack-luster tanks.

Note: This advocating of lack-luster tanks is entirely selfish. I'm really trying but... Plants grow. so. slowly.
@Falaria You're singing my song. I have never ever had what anybody would call a beautiful aqua scape. Since time immemorial my tanks have been lackluster, plain and completely nondescript. But, and this is a big but, my fish are healthy, the water smells sweet and clean, I never have disease and fish seldomly die for reasons other than old age. I am a fish keeper first. Now here is another big but. @Fishmanic once posted a picture of his tank with Tiger Barbs. Nothing real fancy but beautiful in its simplicity. You don't have to be Martha Stewart to have a really nice aquarium.
The TOTM contest is for freshwater fish tanks. But you can show off your terrarium in the pictures or journal threads
Recent TOTM contests have received a lot of interest and more participants. But those with smaller tanks have to compete with those with larger tanks that have more plants and fish. So for the next 3 months, I thought we would try something a bit different to "level the playing field." On March 1st 2020, we will feature only smaller Nano tanks...those with a size of 16 gallons (60.6 liters) OR LESS. If this works out well, then for the April 2020 TOTM, we will feature larger nano tanks....17 gallons (64 liters) to 30 gallons (114 liters). Then in May we will feature aquariums over but not equal to 30 gallons (above 114 liters).

So if you have a tank sized at 16 gallons or less, be ready to enter your tank in our March 2020 TOTM contest!

Please note...if you won a previous TOTM contest, you have to skip two TOTM contest before you can enter a different tank. You cannot enter the same tank that won TOTM previously.

If the above trials work out, we may continue doing this for the foreseeable future.
Is paludarium allowed ?
The definition of a paludarium is:
A paludarium is an aquarium which has terrestrial plants as well as aquatic plants and aquatic life. ... You can include a much wider ranges of creatures in a paludarium than you can in an aquarium. As well as a whole range of freshwater fish you can also include shrimps, newts, crabs and even turtles. from Fishkeeping World

If your tank fits that description, then YES , you can enter it when the contest that covers your tank size is running.
Excellent !
Did you rub your fingers together like Monty Burns when you said "Excellent" :devil:

The banner stays as long as you are a member. If you win more than one tank of the month contest, we give you a banner that shows that.
There are only 12 TOTM contests a year, so having a banner is pretty unique.
Banners should be removed at the end of the year, or if they have to keep them, put the year on it. eg: Tank of the month winner 2020.

Maybe have 11 tank of the month contests, and the 12th is a competition between the winners from that year.

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