went to by a betta then didn't help me


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
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Calgary Alberta,
I was going to buy a betta for my ten gallon with two adf's and two whitecclouds, some little guy at the lfs informed me after I checked with all of you that my tank was too big and without the idealy sized half gallon tanks, it would just hide in a corner only comeing out for food and air, he said that with any other fish, it would kill them pointing to the sign that they were named siamese fighting fish, and then further explaining that they originated in vietnam they live in puddles and only like little puddles, (Is siam not thailand land of the the chinese democratic republic? :/ ), anyways I backed out, of buying a a nice cream colored betta with a red crown tail, mostly because the whiteclouds are my brothers and i will be leaveing in a few days for five days and don't want anything going wrong, but if you give me the "go ahead" :rolleyes: or "all clear"(again) i could always get back their quick, pick it up and join you betta keepers, eh?
I wouldnt see a problem with you keeping a betta with them. That guy knows nothin bout fish. Your siamese would be the most likely fish in your tank to be picked upon and chased. They are slow swimers and have long "atrractive" fins to other fishes.

My betta lasted 6 months in with my guys. But arnt u at your stocking level or there abouts already though?
sorry don't know what your asking but i think it's about my tank capacity, with two adfs and two whiteclouds in a ten gallon i am well below the bio capacity
he is talking about capacity in your tank.

As far as the betta situation goes he could be right he could be wrong there is no real way of telling. Personally I think you'll be fine with the fish you have and a nice betta. Our two frogs are cool with the betta infact they are probably the most chilled in our tank. I've not come across white clouds yet but as long as they are shortish finned and not brightly coloured there's no reason why there would be a problem.

I think bettas can come from many different places so I'd take his comments with a pinch of salt.
If you go back, tell him bettas actually live in rice paddy, tell him to look it up on google :) Your tank should be fine, WCMM are normally OK with bettas because they are fairly boring colurs compared to, say, guppies.
That guy sounds a little crazy, LOL. A betta would LOVE a 10 gallon tank! :)

My only reservation would be the white clouds -- they're a lot like a coldwater version of a zebra danio, meaning they do best in groups of 5-6+, and really should have larger than a 10 gallon tank because they like lots of horizontal swim-room to zip back and foreth in.

The betta and 2 ADFs would be VERY happy in the tank though, for sure! :)
A white cloud is part of the Cyprinids family, if I am not mistaken.



White clouds go well with most other fish, they're usually very docile, and not too fussy.

They are probably one of the best fish to keep a betta with..since they don't try to nip fins, and keep to themselves, and are in no way aggressive..so the betta should feel no threat.

Of course, you could have a overly aggressive betta too, so you'd just have to watch how he reacts to them.

The frogs, well they don't bother anything lol.

A pet store betta might be leary of a 10 gal at first, but as long as the filter current isn't overly strong (both incoming and outgoing) he should acclimate to it quite nicely.

I say get the betta lol

I agree with the last few comments. I don't see why a betta wouldn't love a 10 gallon tank, or not be ok with compatible fish. I think the guy is just repeating all he has heard to justify keeping bettas in tiny containers.

Aren't white clouds cold water fish? I don't know much about coldwater, if they are, will they be fine with tropical fish like betta?
That guy is on another planet.
In my opinion, a betta could NOT be in a tank that's too big, unless it was so tall it took him forever to swim up to the top to get air.

I still stick by my philosophy, though, that I'll never put a male betta in with anything, ever. Why tempt them, I guess is what I think - you never know what might set them off. They are "fighting" fish, as the name says.
They are "fighting fish" because they were used to fight each other. If you put them with fish, such as White Clouds, you normally don't have any problems. Although, I don't think they care too much about being alone.

White clouds can live in tropical water..just don't prefer anything over 78*, but they adapt quite nicely to 80*..I wouldn't go over that though.
i have 2 ten gals with one betta each.
10 gal is really the maximum for a betta though as they do get stressed out in larger tanks, being territorial and all.

go back to the store and smack that guy in the back of the head...
or just give him the link to our forum. he will see that he is wrong.
The tank has very little current so should be fine for a betta, and most of those lttle tanks don't have heaters in them so i thought they would be okay toghether, my tank has the normal lights so they help regulate the tempature, and their is a heater set really low just in case it starts getting too cold, I had previosly four whiteclouds, one someow was found without a fin, and they others just attacked it until it died while i figured out a way to isolate it another was just gone oneday, and haven't seen it since
I know several people who have one betta in a 20 gallon. They are happy, healthy, and long lived. Really, any other fish a betta's size would be kept in a 10 gallon, and as long as there is about 50% plant cover, a mild enough current, and a heater, they should be fine. That man is living with the common misconception that just because bettas can survive in menial conditions, they should. A dog can live on a 3 foot chain in a back yard, but they shouldn't. A parrot can live in a parakeet cage, but it shouldn't. So just because a betta can survive in half a gallon doesn't mean it should. Get your betta and compatible species and tell that guy to shove it.

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