My fishless cycle finished last Saturday. I scoped out fish last week and found some awesome rummy-nose tetra at the LPS. Went in to buy a school of 10 and a few platies to start out and the girl running the fishtanks, who is awesome I might add, saw a little spot of ich on one of the fish and suggested I wait a week and let her treat the tank first. So I decided if I wasn't adding my rummy's I would wait for my platies as well. So my beautiful empty tank will remain empty another week. Guess I better go add my daily ammonia. Sheesh. At least she was good enough to not sell me sick fish just so she could make a sale. BTW is it true that the true rummy-nose tetras are getting hard to find? At least in the States? Or just a Michigan thing? I was told at a different LFS the other day that he couldn't get true rummy's and due to some sort of disease or something that had gone through them that they were pretty scarce? Anybody else hear this?