Went against my will.

jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
I have always disliked livebeares. But the more and more I have researched them and just seen them in the LFS the more I came to like them. It finally got to where I went out and bought a male and three females. They are in a heavily planted 55(us) gallon tank and were going to see how long it will take to fill that sucker up. :)

I love new fish :)
Update your sig. :D :stupid: (Disregard text on sign)

Where's the oscar? If you really get into it or decide to breed new strains, you might want to get multiple specimens and tanks. That's a ways away, of course, but you never knwo where this hobby will take you.
lol. i'll update shortly. Oscar was given to my sister in her 2nd 75gallon for a while once I get my 90 gallon cycled again and fill it with sand, and black rocks, alot like the tank VIPs g/f designed. It inspired me. :)

My 5 Kenyis died in my 90 gallon with no warning or physical signs anything was wrong so I tore it all done and starting new.
:lol: Jordan, I was exactly like you, I hated livebearers and thought they were the stupidest fish a person could get. Now I'm the idiot freaking out which kinds I should get now... I dunno, I think they sort of grow on you after a while (a long while in some cases. Of course, I claim stupid and say they are stricly for feeders ;) )

The 90 gallon sounds like it will be awesome!
Ha, same here, I've just setup a 180litre tank just for my livebearer's (guppies in particular). All my fish keeping friends think I've wasted the tank, they all keep cichlids!. Oh well, I'm happy, currently have 10 new guppies!!



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