hiya, just read all of the replies and ur orginal Qs.
now, i dont know a great deal about bettas, but i have had females, and am now having problems finding a pair of females to set up home with my male, but not to have babies, just to live with him.
you mensioned that u have a female who thinks she is a male ? flaring her fins, building bubble nests, fighting the other males. i beleive this to be a short finned male. these are almost like transgender ppl, their rare, but often very convincing. so dont be to alarmed, as it easy to mistake the two.
as a pose to everything else you asked and ppl have told you, if you are only breeding for fun, then i would go with woteva colours and tail styles you like. - whats the worst that could happen ? personally, i love the odd sods, the 1s that some ppl hate, cus their just odd, and arent "special" enough, cus they are all bettas, they all need love, and they all need homes. but i have a very soft spot for bettas, who live in a shop who know nothing about how to look after them, and let other fish nip at their fins, its just cruel!!!
i hope you manage to find a great pair to bred from, and keep us all updated with the news on how you are doing, and what you have decided.