Well It Was A Warzone, But They Got There In The End


Here to help
Apr 10, 2012
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Spawned my Dt and VT and it took them a long while to spawn, over a long period they was trying to wrap then beating each other up, the wrapping then beating each other up, you get my drift lol..

I was going to part them as they both started to look a bit bashed up (as seen in vid :( ), then out of the blue they got all loved up and got the hang of it :)

Here is a small vid of them wrapping


Video 2
what sort of fry tail types will u get from that spawn?

awww the male looks hugeeee :lol:
what sort of fry tail types will u get from that spawn?

awww the male looks hugeeee :lol:

yeah he is pretty big lol, but the female makes him look bigger cos she is small lol

I think they will mainly be VT and a few DT.
awww u have any idea on the fry colouring? sorry lotsa questions i know, its just if u have any DT fry girlies and once theyre grown up a bit, will you be selling some off?

He does look pretty butch bless him :lol:
Very cloak & dagger......he looks like the grim reaper wrapping her in his cape :hyper: :hyper: Glad they finally made it :good:
you should only get vt in the first spawn but the next spawn of the fry will give you the dt for sure, as long as you use 2 of the fry that are dt genotypes
you should only get vt in the first spawn but the next spawn of the fry will give you the dt for sure, as long as you use 2 of the fry that are dt genotypes

Thanks Darren :good:
you should only get vt in the first spawn but the next spawn of the fry will give you the dt for sure, as long as you use 2 of the fry that are dt genotypes

Thanks Darren :good:
with the fry look for extention of dorsal along the line of its base, and a slight double or triple branching anyway near the middle of the tail, this should give you a helping hand to find the genotypes, ive recently found out that even looking for the extention on the dorsal doesnt mean that you will get what your trying to achieve, it will give you dts but the lobes wont be perfect, if on the other hand you look for that special branching then your 99% (dont qoute me on the 99% but you know what i mean LOL) sure to get the even lobing
You can use any 2 from this spawn to give you dt's. Since dad is a dt, ALL fry will have the gene. The only way to get Dt's in the fry from these 2, is if mom is dt geno. All will also be vt's though.
Geez- is it normal for them to look that battered? Ouch. :crazy:
Good luck with the fry!

Look at youtube vids and see how many of the ones spawning are battered, some are lot worse than mine was, but this is the first time i have had them beat each other up this bad :S
So how many spawns is that now lol its a shame that they feel the need to play so rough, but then it must of got her going :D

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