Welcome To My Nano Diary.


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Jul 14, 2008
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Hello all and welcome to my nano diary,

(Please excuse if this first post doesnt flow properly,I was never good at writing when at school :blush: :shout: )
Before we get into talking tanks Ill introduce myself..... my names Gareth,21 and live in the wonderfull city of Peterborough. I have been knocking around this site for a a good half a year now researching marines in the hope that one day I would own a marine tank.
This came on xmas eve last year when I was in my LFS and they had a second hand RSM 130 at a really good price,so I thought as its xmas why not treat yourself.So 10 mns later I was loading it as well as a RSM starter kit (wish I hadnt :crazy: ) into the back of my car.

Anyways onto the interesting stuff :hyper: :hyper: .....
Red Sea Max 130ltr.

2 x 55 Watt T5 power compacts.

Standard Red Sea 150w heater.
Built in cooling fan.

Activated Carbon.
Black sponge. (will be swapped with another weekly)
Filter floss. (will be used only when detritus has been stirred up)
Red Sea protein skimmer.

Red Sea Coral Pro Salt.

I have ditched the horrid stuff that comes with the starter kit and brought 15lb of Caribsea Argonite Fiji Pink sand.

1 x Koralia 1.
1 x Koralia 2.

Still To Buy.
A couple of water containers and buckets.
RO water.
Digital thermometer.
Live Rock (will be collecting 10kgs worth on the 1st of August).
Koralia nano (for mixing water).
I would like to buy another small bag of larger grain sand to mix in with the fiji pink, as I think this would give a better liking to the real ocean bed.

Stocking List.
I shall be running the tank with only the CUC and clowns for a good few months.This will give me time to get used to the salty side and when Im feeling confident enough I will start adding more livestock.All livestock will be researched before I purchase them.

Clean Up Crew-
Red leg hermits.
Blood shrimp.
Cleaner shrimp.
Feather Duster - I really like these but have read that some species of wrasse and hermit will have the poor thing for lunch.So Im not 100 percent on this one.
(Quantaties have not been decided yet.)

2 x Clown.
The rest I havent confimred yet :shout: , I wouldnt mind a midas blenny though.

When I eventually start buying corals I will be limiting myself to only buying frags, this should help keep costs down a little and will be interesting watching the reef grow from frags.I havent really researched corals yet but will be looking for ones that are low maintance easy growing .

Now what everyone wants to see a few pics.
(Apologese for the quality of them they were taken on a iphone.)

When I have collected the LR it will not be going into the RSM straight away as I want to redecorate my living room before set up.Its temporary home will be a 90ish ltr tank that I have spare, it will have a heater, koralia 1 and koralia 2 to keep it alive.


Lastly a few questions.

If the cycle on my LR finishes before im ready to put it into the RSM will I need to add some sort of food to keep the bacteria alive? or will it be ok just as it is ?
Can you think of anything Ive over looked?

Many thanks for reading throught that lot :blush: . If you have any input please,please feel free to speak as all input would be greatly appreciated. :good: :good:
:hi: to the salty side of life :good:

yes you can keep your live rock in a holding tank as long as there is heat and flow (powerheads) - when I did this i put a small amount of frozen food in once a week for the inverts hiding in the rock etc.

Looking forward to watching your journel, you sure look well organised :good:

Seffie x


You may find that the wrasse that eat feather dusters are those that are mostly non reef safe. There are some beautiful wrasses that don't touch them.

Look at flasher and fairy. (Flasher 3rd pic from left in my sig, many colours of them)
Thanks for the replys everyone.

Iam very organised at the moment, its been nearly a year of planning :blush: :shout:.
As its payday next week I will be getting the rest of my `Still To Buy` list, well, all bar the koralia nano as I will wait for a cheap one to come up on here or UR.
The holding tank will then be set up ready for the LR on the 1st and the day after its my birthday :hyper: :hyper: so I will have abit more money to buy a few other bits and bobs.
My dad has said that he will by my 2 clowns for me,he also said at one point he would buy me a RO unit. :hyper: :hyper:.

TI- If thats the case I shall be looking for a really colourfull feather duster,which shouldnt be to hard to find as my LFS has them in all the time :). Ive seen your flasher pics, hes a very handsome chap!

On liveaquaria it says that caution should be taken with adding a manderin and a blenny to the same tank,why is this? is it to do with pod eating?

many thanks
It depends on the particular Blenny. There are many different Blennies and they have different diets. Mine is herbiverus and eats algae and macroalgaes. He loves seaweed on a seaweed clip.

If you are wantig to mix the two, the Mndarin needs an eestblished tannk and a seperate pod culture in a Nano. The blenny would go in fist.

If you see a blenny you like,ask us whether they will be compatible. Avoid the Scooter blenny,this is a Dragonet te same as a Mandarin and the tank will not support both of them.

Live aquaria will also tell you what they eat.

EDIT sorry about missed letters, my wireless keyboard.
It depends on the particular Blenny. There are many different Blennies and they have different diets. Mine is herbiverus and eats algae and macroalgaes. He loves seaweed on a seaweed clip.

If you are wantig to mix the two, the Mndarin needs an eestblished tannk and a seperate pod culture in a Nano. The blenny would go in fist.

If you see a blenny you like,ask us whether they will be compatible. Avoid the Scooter blenny,this is a Dragonet te same as a Mandarin and the tank will not support both of them.

Live aquaria will also tell you what they eat.

EDIT sorry about missed letters, my wireless keyboard.

I have had abit of a think whilst at work today and have decided that I will leave the manderin untill I get a much bigger tank. The blenny I was looking at was a Midas Blenny,liveaquaria say its a omnivore so if I was to feed it seaweed and abit of frozen would this be ok?

Try New Era Marine Pellets for omnivores too, my fish love them as do my corals.

They do not dirty the water or leave a floating scum and can be used in an automatic feeder whilst you are on holiday.

Top product.
Try New Era Marine Pellets for omnivores too, my fish love them as do my corals.

They do not dirty the water or leave a floating scum and can be used in an automatic feeder whilst you are on holiday.

Top product.

funnily enough I just bought some of those today along with the enriching spray :good:

Seffie x

Try New Era Marine Pellets for omnivores too, my fish love them as do my corals.

They do not dirty the water or leave a floating scum and can be used in an automatic feeder whilst you are on holiday.

Top product.

Will have to get some of them then,cheers :good:
Think I might get the skimmer out tomorrow and give it a good scrub,it smells abit.
Really cant wait to get my LR next week :hyper: :hyper:

As you no I will be picking up my LR next week, I was wandering what are the signs of healthy LR? ie colour, smell, life.
The bloke I'm buying it from is keeping it in a tub with a heater and powerheads.

good looking tank that.

Good live rock should probably have a bit of purple colour to it, not smell too bad. You probably wont notice much life on it right away though. I have to look into my tank at night to see much. Then theres TONs of lil creatures

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