Welcome To Me!

Swart Skaap

Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score

Hey Guys,

I got dragged over here by Samuk. I used to keep fish about 5-6 years ago back in South Africa, but then moving to london i had to ditch them. Been eager to get started back up ever since! Been in london for around 5 yrs but never really settled enough to start keeping fish again!

Now i live in Denmark and i hope im settled enough to start up again! Time will tell.

Im hoping to purchase myself an Effect-line 250L tank, dimensions 1m X 50cm X 50cm, in the coming months. First gotta get settled and all that, Money also being a playing factor of course!

Anyway, ive really enjoyed reading up on this site, being living here practically the last few days!!!

If you're anything like me, you'll soon find that you spend most of your free time here! Especially in Chat :D

:hi: to the forum!
Cheers Ami, Chris!

Well, yeah ive been lurking here for hours and hours just readin up on peoples thoughts, experiances and the like! Specially like seeing peoples tanks up an running!

....and cant wait to be able to post some of my own!

Ami, when you said Chat....you mean in "Tropical Chit Chat" ? or the java thing?
Welcome to the forums, and I hope you will get all the good advice that you need. I practically live here too, lurking in the shadows most of the time :rolleyes:

Hey Julibob, yeah this place is full of it!!

Although i dont count myself as a beginner, im no expert and have made a fair amount of mistakes in the past while reading over all this!

But when i get my tank ill start from scratch like i am a beginner!

You have a great tank btw..saw it in the members pics forum!
:hi: to the forum Swart Skaap !
I'm a fellow South African too - living in the UK for 8 years now ! :crazy:
Not sure how it is in Denmark, but in the UK the variety of fish is awesome compared to South Africa - that's for sure :D
:hi: to the forum Swart Skaap !
I'm a fellow South African too - living in the UK for 8 years now ! :crazy:
Not sure how it is in Denmark, but in the UK the variety of fish is awesome compared to South Africa - that's for sure :D

Jislaaik!! :lol:

Denmark is a bit colder weather wise. Snow has just melted in the last day or so. Only been here about 3 weeks now, but ive been to dmk a few times before. Trying to find a job now and thats proving a little difficult!

...as for the fish variety, yeah i know what you mean hey! just today ive seen some STUNNING chocolate gouramis at my lps. A few really stunning little gobes and some others ive never seen before, everything is labled in Danish so its hard to tell! but thats the case with uk, london in particular, it being a real international city you can get many odd things there, including people! :hey:

Thanks for the warm welcome lljdma06. :) :no:

Lateral Line (on of the mods) might give you some tips on some good Danish shops etc.

I practically live on this board - almost a year later even :X multitasking is a wonderful ability ! :D
aaaah cheers for the headsup! ill keep a fish eye out for them :)

Multitasking hey! i never knew girls.....hang on, i wont go there! ;)
Hiya !! :D

I done pretty much the opposite, I left Sweden and ended up living in Scotland!
(must say that I miss the snow you get in 'Norden'!)

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