Hi I am new to this site and just feeling my way around and trying to get some information on my fish. I saw your offer of help and so here goes. I have a 130litre tank and some smaller ones in which I have put pregnant guppies, sword tails and I am trying to breed angel fish. I had the eggs , but I think I removed them from the larger tank to soon. In the other tank i have two mollies. I had them in the large tank with the male for some time and when they started showing signs of dropping I removed them and now they are in the tank with the guppie etc. They have been in there for a least three weeks and keep going over to the heater and I think this time ,but nothing happens.
Would you know if there is anything that the breeder's can do to stop them reproducing or if they can only have fry for a certain time , because I mentioned it once to the guy in the pet store and he mentioned something like steralize them to protect his business. Is that possible. Hope you can help me as I am getting quite frustrated with the time they have been in the tank.They are quite happy because there is the two of them but because of their size I am worried that if the other fish drop then they will be eaten.
Thank you for your time