Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

Yeah, same with Mr Seffie - it goes something along the lines of, well, what was that that arrived in that box this morning, brief pause - huh, how much did that cost :blink:

Seffie x

Welcome OF

My dad likes the sound of marines also, hopefully when i get mine fully set up he'll want a nice 5x2x2 in the living room.
Hi all,ok...... i have a aquaube 40 (40litre) can i use it for maybe live rock? and anything else i could add ie crabs etc i dont suppose its big enuff for fish of any kind without added expense.I bought his to go on my computer desk for tropical but am fasinated with marine now and just want something until my bigger tank is under way.Any advice on things id need for it if its possible.Seems a waste just sitting there as i could gaze at it whilst on my pc lol.
that would make a lovely zoa display tank with even a few gorgs, etc....several really small gobies available now that would fit in there nicely too. our nano is only 54 lts and is totally over stocked, not even a skimmer on it ,and has ran successfully now for almost 2 years..check mini me's nano on nano threads.
Thanks Buddy,could you post a link im newbie to the forum and navigating is stumbling me atm lol :)
Thanks Buddy ill look now,what equipment would i need for the aquacube? skimmer?powerhead etc?? even just to have live rock and sand and maybe crabs etc or even fish :)
Good circulation, good lights and live rock are the basics to get up and going...our nano has a return pump and an aerator in rear chambers along with , ofcourse, a heater...nothing more !!
You can get some nice Hang on back filters to pop onto that from fleabay reasonably cheap

I think you will need 2 lights arcadia pods to illuminate

Then your away will send you a pm to someone that has done similar

But read Jennybugs edge and you will end up with some pom pom`s I bet ;)


But be warned once you start you will want a bigger tank ;)
HaHa morri i have a 3foot cichlid tank at the mo and im going to convert to a marine with a 3 foot sump as i have a spare 3 foot tank too lol,just need to get the relevant things ie lighting skimmer etc etc.Also what lighting would i need for the aqua cube 40? it came with an arcadia 18w light.
I think it just needs another one arcadia 18w light not sure on bulbs though I think they do a marine bulb I am sure someone uses these units and can correct me :)

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