A very warm welcome to you.
Before posting, can I please bring your attention to two items of importance.
1. General Rules of the forum. - These can be viewed by placing your cursor over the words GENERAL RULES on top of this page, and left click your mouse button.
2. Trolling and Flaming. - This topic can be viewed by placing your cursor on the item and left click your mouse.
The administrator, harassment officer and moderators take a dim view if any member deliberately breaks these rules. This forum is to be enjoyed by ALL and rules are there for your protection.
It would help in answering your questions if we knew where your location was, as different areas of the world have different laws and regulations concerning fish and water parameters
Thank you for observing the rules.
Before posting, can I please bring your attention to two items of importance.
1. General Rules of the forum. - These can be viewed by placing your cursor over the words GENERAL RULES on top of this page, and left click your mouse button.
2. Trolling and Flaming. - This topic can be viewed by placing your cursor on the item and left click your mouse.
The administrator, harassment officer and moderators take a dim view if any member deliberately breaks these rules. This forum is to be enjoyed by ALL and rules are there for your protection.
It would help in answering your questions if we knew where your location was, as different areas of the world have different laws and regulations concerning fish and water parameters
Thank you for observing the rules.