Fish Fanatic
Well my cherry shrimp along with 4 apple snails and loads of mts, oh yeh and 1 stray guppy fry have been in their new home (25 gal tank from 5 gal) for about a week or so now and all look happy and eating well and keeping busy, but this morning i noticed what i thought could be a tiny tiny baby snail crawling across the front og the ank but on closer inspection it looks like some kind of tiny slug. Then as i looked closer i can see about 10 or more on the glass of the tank although most of them are barely visible they are definantely there and moving around all be it very slowly. I just want to know what could they be, could they be harmful to the shrimp or snails and if so how can i get rid (and i would take pictures but i only have a camera on my phone and they are way too small to be seen).
Any help or advice will be much appriciated.
Any help or advice will be much appriciated.