Weird Slug Thins In My Cherry Shrimp, Apple Snail And Mts Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Well my cherry shrimp along with 4 apple snails and loads of mts, oh yeh and 1 stray guppy fry have been in their new home (25 gal tank from 5 gal) for about a week or so now and all look happy and eating well and keeping busy, but this morning i noticed what i thought could be a tiny tiny baby snail crawling across the front og the ank but on closer inspection it looks like some kind of tiny slug. Then as i looked closer i can see about 10 or more on the glass of the tank although most of them are barely visible they are definantely there and moving around all be it very slowly. I just want to know what could they be, could they be harmful to the shrimp or snails and if so how can i get rid (and i would take pictures but i only have a camera on my phone and they are way too small to be seen).

Any help or advice will be much appriciated.
it could be but a site says that they are black or brown and the ones in my tank are white and the biggest one only about 2mm if that and the others i can barely see are probably less then half that
You can get white planaria, if they are that shape then they are planaria.
Planaria are harmless, but I've heard of them eating fish eggs. The are scavengers so actually do a little good to the tank by cleaning up.

Cant really ID it without a picture, so for other possible ID's check out the other inverts under 'invertebrates' here :good: .
thanks very much they do seem the same kind of shape, thought i might be movinbg all the inhabitants around to get rid of them just getting them out of the old tank and in to the new took a whole day
I had an outbreak of white planaria once. They seemed to grow up to a centimetre in length. Fairly harmless and helped deal with some excess algae. Slightly ugly if there are too many of them though. I see planaria occasionally in my main tank...

Actually, chances are fair your cherries might view them as a tasty snack. :)

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