Weird looking growth in tank?


Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Va. USA
Hi all,

I was just feeding my fish and everyone looks fine. Both tanks, the 55g & 10 g look good water prams normal. The thing is I noticed in my 10 g on the filter uplift tube there was this white stuff I have never seen before. It looks like dandilion fluff, kind of similar to a cotton ball? None of the fish have anything on them, they eat well & act like they normally do. I'm puzzled, has anyone else seen or heard about stuff like this before?

The 10g currently houses 4 candy tetra's ,yes I know they are painted & normally would not have bought them but my daughter wanted to save them from the mean people who painted them( ya can't argue with innocence) & 4 albino cory's, that will go into the 55g as soon as they are a bit bigger & I free up some space by either giving away my common plec or moving him to a much bigger tank.

Thanks in advance :D
That doesnt' sound very good. I was going to say it sounds like either salt creep or calcium deposits........but it's Fluffy???? That sounds like a mold or something.

Sorry, I know I didn't help you any, but I felt bad that no one had posted and wanted to show you someone was at least reading your post :/
Do you have CO2 -yeast method running in your tank. If you do, it migh be your mixture getting in the tank.
If you do not, sorry but I have no idea.
Wait for responses from other people, there are some gurus out there.
Hi Mollymama. :)

I think that what you are looking at is just simply mold. :sick: Most likely something, such as a bit of food, just went bad. Or, it could be a dead fry. :crazy:

I have some in my fry tank, right now, because yesterday I fed more egg yolk than they could eat and a few larger pieces turned moldy. It looks just like what you describe. One more cup of coffee and I'll get up and scoop it out. (easier said than done--it floats away when you try to net it.) :lol:

Just take it out and throw it away.
That sounds like something I have in my tank, it floats in water & sticks to the glass, in my case.

I've came to the conclusion it's either bacterial bloom, leftover food (I had put some courgette & Cucumber in the tank and some rotted) or something that came in with either live Daphnia or Brine Shrimp I fed my fish.

Answers Yes! Thanks all for the idea's of what this stuff is. I now too believe it's a mold of some sort..found a peice of algea tab stuck partialy under one of the rocks with this stuff on it. Took it out ,did a WC (just to be safe). I think the other clump of fluff had just gotton knocked off the tab when I noticed it.

Thanks again I was beginning to get really worried that no one cared :-(
hi Mollymomma,
I use Wardley's Algae wafers and if a bit becomes lodged under the rocks, it gets the same kind of moldy gunk on it. Do not, under any circumstances, smell this stuff after you fish it out unless you have a very strong tummy :D :D
:lol: @Pam

Thanks for the warning. Why do we all sniff strange things when we have no clue what they are? lol You would think after the first bad experience we would stop doing this lol Guess ya can't teach old dogs new tricks hehehe

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