Weird fish habits


Fish Addict
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bedford, England
I enjoy all of my fishes, and especially my Yo-Yo's. They're so full of character! :D

At one time, as I was watching them...... watching me. I noticed one of them taking what seemed like a yawn! On closer inspection, a good few minutes later, to verify this, I sat and saw one them do it again! Cute!

Yo-Yo's again. I know I probably shouldn't do this, but, hey you won't know until you give it a go, I (very) lightly tap the glass with my fingers and they came closer to inspect what the 'vibrations' were all about. They'd check my finger out with a their cute side-long view, and knowing it was only me with no food to give them, swam away, but only to come back for a second glance in the merest of moments.

Just love them.

Anyone got any other amusing pointers? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, my black tetras like to get me wet when I feed them. When I put their flakes in, they dart up and snag the food, but their out of water leap prays water everywhere, including my face. I guess that's kinda funny. -_- :)
My black phantoms eat off my fingers. One of them is a Deep Thinker, he spends all his time away from the shoal in one particular corner of the tank, i was worried about this at first but her seems prefectly healthy, can swim fine, and when i feed them he comes out, grabs the biggest flake and takes it back to eat it in his corner! :lol:

My friend's goldfish seem to yawn aswell. It's weird.
I seem to think only the Yo-Yo's have character, but I'm glad I've been proven wrong.

I wonder do some fish suffer from not having enough sleep, so appear like they're yawning? I know my tank is well-aerated, so oxygen deprivation isn't an issue.

Ive noticed my yoyo yawning too, its like his whole mouth inverts and his little fronds stick up in the air. weirder still is he only seems to do it when he's in his sleep colours.... he must be tired :p
My clown loaches have the funniest habits. The most obvious of which is sleeping on their side. But one of them has taken to sleeping on his back out in the middle of the tank!!! Looks really funny, problem is though, every time I try to get a pic, he swims off. I'll get one one day!!
The other thing they do is the "dance"!!: swimming vertically, but not really going anywhere!!! just looks like they're standing on their tails and wiggling about!! Brilliant fish!
my cories used to think their "bed" was under the filter too. i swear every night at roughly the same time tehy'd just go chill in that exact same place. bless.
Those Clownfish! They're so cool. Makes me want a couple of them. I knew they'd rest on their sides, but walking on their tails?!? You just have to get a couple pix sorted for us all. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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